[GRRN] Information about PVC leachate from food wraps
Katharine Bennett (katbennett@usa.net)
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 08:09:58 -0700
There has been quite a bit about plasticizers offgassing into food in the
Rachel's Environmental Health Weekly. Their searchable database of toxins
can be found at http://xp0.rtknet.org/E3264T132 or the archive library at
www.enviroweb.org/publications/rachel/. The Environmental Health
Foundation, which publishes the report, also has an archive site at
gopher://ftp.std.com/11/periodicals/rachel. There's a lot of fairly recent
information about plastics (including PVC) and food in the book Our Stolen
Future by Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski and
John Peterson Myers. They even have a website for the book at
Good luck with the research.
Kat Bennett