[GRRN] Keri Morin job request

chelsea center for recycling and economic development (amyp@chelseacenter.org)
Mon, 08 Feb 1999 11:11:42 -0500

We have some internship opportunities with recycled product manufacturers,
but we are in Massachusetts. We also are happy to put jobs wanted postings
(preferably no more than a few sentences) on our web site, but, again, only
if you are looking for something in Massachusetts. Please email me
directly if you are interested.

At 11:47 AM 2/6/99 -0800, you wrote:
>I am a recent graduate with an M.P.A. in environmental policy and am
finishing a year long contract as a Recycling Cooridnator for the City of
Woodinville and am finalizing my thesis on recycling policies and barriers
to public participation. I am applying to law school to study
international environmental law for Fall '99 and would like to find a
short-term project or internship to work on for the months of April-Aug. I
am seeking a position in the L.A. or D.C. area and am interested in
non-profit, government or consulting firms.

Amy Perlmutter
Executive Director
Chelsea Center for Recycling and
Economic Development
University of Massachusetts
180 Second Street
Chelsea, MA 02150
617-887-2300/fax 617-887-0399
visit our web site at www.chelseacenter.org