Re: [GRRN] NYC Waste Exports
Mon, 25 Jan 99 15:20:35 -0800

The Sierra Club, Virginia Chapter (804) 225-9113, Campaign Virginia, and
others are working vigourously to pass legislation in the Virginia Legislature
that would impose limitation on imports. We are 10 days into a 45 day
session, and action is feverish. The Republican Governor and a republican
Senator have taken the lead on enacting some controls, and the Democrats have
responded somewhat. We need to play this out and extend the issue into the
fall elections. We are considering sending Patrick Henry to New York to
declare "Give me liberty or give me death, but don't give me New York garbage"

We may be interested in a zero-waste campaign in VA and will discuss it after
the session. I wonder, though, if it is maybe New York state that has a
greater need (and perhaps a better political environment) for this than does

In a message dated 1/20/99 2:19:56 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< he New York City plans to ship its garbage to Virginia via barge is too
for words alone. Garbage barge II is an opportunity to revisit the state of
waste and recycling in America.

Front page stories in the New York Times, Washington Post and television news
reports provide an opportunity to raise questions about the need for a new
approach to waste -- like GRRN's zero waste agenda. >>


You're absolutely right!

How about GRRN try to organize a Zero Waste Conference in Virginia this fall
and build some media outreach around it????

Anyone have good contacts with Virginia State solid waste agency to help on

I'll explore with Deb Devine, SRO contact for Virginia.

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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