[GRRN] Fwd: bottle bill information

Thu, 07 Jan 1999 09:50:08 -0500

In a message dated 1/6/99 11:11:32 AM Pacific Standard Time, jott@sisna.com

<< Subj: bottle bill information
Date: 1/6/99 11:11:32 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: jott@sisna.com (Jennifer Ott)
Sender: jtrnet@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov
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To: jtrnet@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov (Multiple recipients of list)
Can anyone suggest a good overview document explaining the pros and
cons/feasibility of bottle bills? The Director of the Dept. of Community
and Economic Development in Utah has asked me for information on this
issue. We currently do not have a bottle bill but I guess it has been
attempted twice in the past.
Jennifer Ott
Recycling Coalition of Utah

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Subject: bottle bill information
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Can anyone suggest a good overview document explaining the pros and
cons/feasibility of bottle bills? The Director of the Dept. of Community
and Economic Development in Utah has asked me for information on this
issue. We currently do not have a bottle bill but I guess it has been
attempted twice in the past.

Jennifer Ott
Recycling Coalition of Utah