I have minimal time myself, and when it comes to listserves, I really
appreciate the pertinent info I can gleen from the process.
And I like the job announcements, specifically because this is a field
which has it's particulars, and due to that particular nature any leads
are good for us.
But job announcements tell me more than just where the jobs are. we can
take note that there are more or less job postings over given time frames.
It helps me to gauge the viability of the sustainability movement we are a
part of as recyclers/conservation managers or what have you.
But I can relate to completely ridiculous mail that I get from time to
time demanding me to send ten or so messages to some other poor schmucks
out there or I will not recieve zen happiness and my hair will fall out!
those chain e-mails are a bummer. Because you wonder, hmmm well maybe I am
not gonna make it to heaven if i don't send out fifty happy faces and on
and on..
Well any ways, I thought some levity would be neat.
Steve Engfer
"It is a question of balance..."