Brenda Platt (bplatt@ilsr.org)
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 10:00:41 +0000

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Date: Tue, 09 Nov 1999 13:08:07 -0500
From: Don Clark <clarkjd@multipro.com>
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> From: Citizens Coal Council <ccc@netone.com>
> To: CCC MEMBERS <CCC@netone.com>
> Date: Saturday, November 06, 1999 5:45 PM
> From: Carolyn Johnson Citizens Coal Council <ccc@netone.com>
> To: Members & Allies of the Citizens Coal Council <ccc@netone.com>
> Subject: Urgent Action Alert
> Date: Saturday, November 6, 1999
> Please send faxes to President Clinton
> Vice President Gore
> and your US Senators
> Your Immediate Action Needed to Defeat Special Favors for the Mining
> Industry
> Please make one more big push!
> As you know, the West Virginia coal companies have asked Senator Robert
> Byrd (D-WV) to sneak words as a last-minute "rider" into a spending bill
> that would excuse them from obeying the national clean water and coal
> mining laws. A federal district judge has ruled that these laws must be
> enforced.
> He said the new massive strip mines that remove entire mountains must not
> dump hundreds of
> millions of tons of mine waste into flowing streams.
> Last week, we asked you to write President Clinton because a vote was
> expected before the end
> of the week. Your thousands of letters really slowed it down. Now we need
> one more big push
> before Tuesday, November 9, 1999.
> This means we must convince at least 35 Senators to vote against the entire
> bill and convince
> President Clinton to veto it.Your Senators and the President need to hear
> from thousands of us,
> now! Below is information on how you can send your messages.
> 1. Mail, fax, call or e-mail President Clinton and Vice President Gore
> immediately. (Remember, a
> faxed letter has the greatest impact.) If you can, also do an e-mail.
> President William J. Clinton
> 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
> Washington D.C. 20500
> phone: 202/456-1414
> fax: 202/456-2461
> president@whitehouse.gov
> Vice President Albert Gore
> 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
> Washington D.C. 20500
> phone: 202/456-2326
> fax: 202/456-2461
> vice.president@whitehouse.gov
> Here are three arguments to make in your message to President Clinton and
> Vice President Gore::
> - Oppose the Byrd rider on coal strip mining and veto any bill it's
> attached to. The West Virginia
> coal companies want it so they can pollute more streams by dumping millions
> of tons of mining
> waste. Don't let them destroy more mountains, homes, forests and wildlife.
> We're counting on you
> to say NO to any anti-environment rider.
> - Fulfill your long-standing promise to clean, restore and protect our
> nation's waters. Don't
> bulldoze the Clean Water Act and the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation
> Act and other
> environmental laws. Passage of the Byrd rider invites every special
> interest group to get an
> exemption from any federal environmental law it doesn't like. We need the
> protections in these
> laws and I don't want them ignored in my state.
> - Do the right thing! Your veto will uphold our Constitutional and
> democratic processes.
> Attaching riders to spending bills upsets the checks and balances that the
> founders of our nation
> so wisely established.
> 2. Call the Senators of your state by dialing the U.S. Capitol Switchboard
> at 202-224-3121 and
> ask to be connected to their office. If you have their fax number, please
> fax them a letter.
> Here is the message to give them:
> - Urge them to vote against any spending bill that contains Senator Byrd's
> rider letting West
> Virginia strip mines violate our clean water and mining control laws. Your
> "no" vote will uphold
> our Constitution.
> 2. As always, ask members of the groups you belong to and your friends to
> also contact the
> President.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> The Citizens Coal Council is a national federation of 52 grassroots groups
> working together for
> clean water, safe homes and a healthy environment in the coalfields of 22
> states and the Navajo
> Nation. To contact us:
> Carolyn Johnson, Staff Director Jane Kochersperger,
> Communications
> Dennis Short, Communications 110 Maryland Ave. NE, #408
> 1705 S. Pearl Street, #5 Washington D.C. 20002
> Denver, CO 80210 202/544-6120
> fax:202/544-7164
> 303/722-9119 fax: 303/722-8338 citzcoal@essential.org
> ccc@netone.com

Ulla-Britt Reeves
Clean Air Program Director
Tennessee Valley Energy Reform
PO Box 1842
Fax: (423) 524-4479
Work: (423) 637-6055
