Robin Salsburg, Steve Suess, Rick Anthony, Tedd Ward, Ann Schneider, Nancy
Macy, Linda Christopher, Gary Liss and Saraswati Chadramouli.
Our goal in this effort is to ensure that the NRC Board has a diversity of
recycling industries, state and local government officials,
environmental/non-profit groups and state recycling organizations with a
balance of gender and people of color, and broad geographic representation.
In addition, CRRA would like to support candidates who are
environmentally-oriented and committed to continuing the current direction
of the NRC in working to become an advocacy group for recycling in
Washington, DC.
Based on a survey sent to all the candidates for the NRC Board, GRC
recommends the following candidates. In addition, GRC urges you NOT to
vote for ten candidates, as that will diminish the impact of your vote. If
you are not able to attend the National Recycling Congress and would like
to have someone vote your proxy there for you (to be able to adjust to
additional input once there), please send your proxy to any of the GRC
Executive Committee who are attending (see below). If you would like a
copy of all the survey responses which were received from candidates, or a
summary of those responses as a WORD document, please email me at
GRC Recommended NRC Board Candidates:
Meg Morris
Pete Pasterz
Heidi Jo Wayco
Chris Cloutier
Bernard Brill
GRC Committee Attending NRC:
Rick Anthony <>, 3891 Kendall Street, San Diego, CA,
92109-6505, 619-272-2905
Rick Best <>, CAW, 926 J Street, Suite 606,
Sacramento, CA, 95814, 916-443-5422
Gary Liss <>, 4395 Gold Trail Way, Loomis, CA 95650,
Ann Schneider <>, 430 Hillwood Court, Mountain View,
CA 94040, 650-962-0404
Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485