[GRRN] C & D pilot project

Brian W. Pugh (BPugh@4county.com)
Thu, 9 Sep 1999 08:19:48 -0500

Hello everyone. This is the first time I have posted anything, I hope
somebody out there can help. I'm looking for information on conducting a
pilot project for C & D recycling. I need to develop a project which will
focus on 1) market development, 2)costs (local economic conditions, tipping
fees, labor rates, transportation, etc.) and 3) diversion. If anybody has
conducted such a project or know of anyone who has please let me know so I
can learn from them. The last thing I want to do is try to re-invent the
wheel. In the August '99 edition of Resource Recycling there was a great
article on grinding residential C&D materials. Something along those lines
would be great. However, at this point I would like info on all C&D, not
just residential. Thank you.

Brian Pugh
Recycling Coordinator
Four-County Solid Waste District
Fayetteville, Arkansas