[GRRN] Invitation to Host Forum

Kevin Berry (KevinB@NRC-Recycle.org)
Fri, 3 Sep 1999 13:09:06 -0400

Please accept this invitation to host a local downlink site for
Buying Recycled: The Real Story About Cost, Availability, and
Quality. It's easy! There is no cost for downlink sites to broadcast
the forum. (Sites may charge a fee to participants to cover their

Consider incorporating the satellite forum into a broader buy-
recycled event such as a half-day workshop to showcase buy-
recycled strategies and the successes of organizations in your
community. For a free coordinator's kit, containing all you need to
locate a site, organize, and promote the forum, click on
"Coordinator's Kit" on the Waste Wise Web site
http://www.epa.gov/wastewise/wwsf; send an e-mail to
wwsf@erg.com; or send a fax to 703-841-1440.

Thanks for your time,

Kevin Berry
National Recycling Coalition
Buy Recycled Business Alliance Coordinator
1727 King Street, Suite 105
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-683-9025 x210
Fax: 703-683-9026
E-mail: KevinB@nrc-recycle.org
URL: http://brba.nrc-recycle.org