[GRRN] Plastic Markets-Help in CA or OR

Moore Recycling (recycle@rpnet.net)
Thu, 26 Aug 99 11:42:18 +0100

Hi John, Pat and All list serve folks,

Same with us. Here on the west coast we are getting $210 per ton for
mixed color PET and $160 for mixed color HDPE (with up to 15% other
plastics). Natural HDPE is selling for over $260 per ton. All mixed
bottles (with up to 10 % other plastic) are going for $120 per ton.

If anyone in California or Oregon needs help marketing ANY scrap plastics
call me at 888/753-7485 OR e-mail me at help1@caplasticsmarkets.com OR
check out our website at caplasticsmarkets.com. We'll do our best to get
you a market.

Patty Moore

>Hi Pat -
>Wow, what a difference from us. Last month, we got $200 a ton for PET
>(clear and green mixed together) and $150 a ton for HDPE (translucent,
>colored, with some #3-7 mixed in).
>Dane County, WI
>> Folks,
>> Remember when Ron Perkins (then at APC) told a legislative committee in CA
>> that "markets for PET are not a problem"? Well, he needs to tell that to
>> the recycling coordinator at Villanova U in Philly. Here's what she told
>> me. . . .
>> >Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 07:49:23 -0400
>> >Ms. Franklin:
>> >
>> >The recycler was accepting my #1 and #2 at no charge to me, but not
>> >paying me either. Then they switched from that to charging me $60 per
>> >ton, which is higher than our trash tipping fee. No one has ever offered
>> >me money for plastic, and I have asked them if they would take just PETE
>> >or HDPE but no one around here seems to want the stuff at all. Finally a
>> >waste management location in Philadelphia agreed to take it for gratis,
>> >but it's about two hours round trip. Anyway that's my plastics story.
>> SD