[GRRN] wet-dry

Crockett, Judy (JudyC@BES.CI.PORTLAND.OR.US)
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 07:48:28 -0700

One thing we have been considering here in Portland for commercial organics
collection is a reverse Blue Bag system. A generator of mainly organic
wastes would place the organics in the dumpster and place the non-recyclable
or compostable material (films, plates, etc.) in a bag in the dumpster as
well. The bags would be removed either at the transfer station or at the
composting site. We haven't tried this yet, but it would avoid the three
truck problem.

The City of Edmunton Alberta is building a fairly sophisticated MSW
composting system. Also very expensive. Judy Crockett, BES, City of
Portland, Oregon