Re: [GRRN] lightweighting

Pat Franklin (
Tue, 11 May 1999 07:15:49 -0700 (PDT)

Here are answers to some of the questions asked in note below. I'm sending
aluminum, glass and plastic stats to everyone in the event someone else has
an interest in them. Also check out websites of Aluminum Association, Glass
Packaging Institute and American Plastics Council.

ALUMINUM STATS: There were 21.75 aluminum cans in a pound in 1972 and
33.04 in 1998.
GLASS STATS: Glass container production has dropped from 14 million tons
in 1980 to 11 million tons in 1997. (USEPA)
PLASTIC STATS: Plastic bottle and container production has grown from 1.4
million tons in 1980 to 2.63 million tons in 1996. (USEPA)
(NOTE: APC and NAPCOR estimate the number of tons of plastic
resin sales in 1996 at 3.1 million tons.)

Pat Franklin
Solid Waste Abatement Intern wrote:
>I am looking for documented information on any and all of the following. If
>you know of any good sources of factual information on such topics, please
>let me know.
>*lightweighting of aluminum cans and newspapers (more words on a page),
>*reduction in glass use and increase in plastic
>*changes in transport packaging
>*increase in consignment
Pat Franklin, Executive Director
Container Recycling Institute
1911 Ft. Myer Drive Suite 900
Arlington, VA 22209
703/276-9800 fax 276-9587