Re: [GRRN] trade in recycled goods...

Keith Edward Ripley (
Mon, 10 May 1999 09:49:50 -0700

CEMPRE makes no bones about being an industry-sponsored group; in fact, it's in the name.
I don't know if I would call it a "front group." That label tends to trivialize what they do. The fact is, CEMPRE has done some terrific work in Brazil, often in collaboration with environment NGOs, technical institutes, etc. It gathered stats when no one else was, which have helped identify problem areas. It helped ORGANIZE those catadores mentioned in your excerpt into co-ops, to increase their bargaining leverage. It published directories of companies accepting materials for recycling. It sponsored good technical studies, developed information materials and databases, much of which is free or next-to-nothing for the asking. It produced an excellent manual on municipal waste management options. It helped teach Brazilians about recyclability coding. It helped support the growth of municipal selective collection programs, now numbering 128.
May not seem like much to you, but in a country like Brazil, it's far, far more than any other nongovernmental entity is doing to further recycling, including many well-known international environment NGOs. CEMPRE has kept recycling on the front-burner, and have been careful enough about their data and informational materials that the output is generally well-respected (despite its sponsorship).

On Mon, 10 May 1999 06:37:07 Pat Franklin wrote: >Keith, Frana and any one else interested in recycling in Latin America in >general and CEMPRE in particular - - - - > >I hope that Keith Ripley will correct me if I am wrong, but the impression I >have gotten from CEMPRE materials I have received is that CEMPRE is >basically an 'industry front group'. > >Among its 13 members are the following: >Coca-Cola >Nestle >Procter & Gamble >Tetra Pak > >Here is a little INFO TIDBIT from one of CEMPRE's newsletters: "Of the >22,000 metric tons of PET recycled in 1996, around 70% of this total was >derived from informal channels through scavengers (catadores) on the street >and at dumps." > >I look forward to Keith's response. > >Thanks, > >Pat Franklin >****************************************************************************** > >At 11:00 AM 5/7/99 -0700, Keith Edward Ripley wrote: >> Frana: >> The info you seek is not easy to find in Latin America, but I >believe there are efforts underway in Brazil to generate data. In fact, it >may be the ONLY Latin American country where you will find that sort of >information. The rest of the continent is further behind the curve on >recycling. >> I would suggest that you contact Ing. Andre Vilhena, Executive >Director of Compromisso Empresarial para Reciclagem (CEMPRE) (translation: >Business Commitment to Recycling). CEMPRE is probably the best single source >on recycling issues in Brazil. His e-mail is They >have a website in Portuguese and English at , but Eng. >side is less comprehensive than the Portuguese and in any case neither >addresses directly the subjects you're interested in. Vilhena's phone >number is 5511-852-5200, and his fax 5511-852-5264. While he speaks some >English, requests in Portuguese tend to get answered quicker. >> Another possible source would be to contact Helio Mattar, Director >of Industrial Policy at Brazil's Development, Industry & Commerce Ministry >(MDIC). MDIC is in the process of drawing up an industrial policy for >Brazil's recycling industry, and may have some data you can use. His e-mail >is and his phone is 5561-329-7182. The new DIC website >[] unfortunately does not yet have any info on the project. >> Good luck, and I hope your share your findings with the the >Green-yes list. >>Regards, >>Keith >> >>_______________________________________________________ >>Keith Edward Ripley >>Temas Actuales S.A. >>por servigo postal: BM-1658, 8357 W. Flagler St., >> Suite D, Miami, FL 33144-2072, EE.UU >>entregas DHL/FedEx: Av. Enriquillo #20, Los Cacicazgos, >> Santo Domingo, Repzblica Dominicana >>telefone/telefax: 809-473-6713 >>e-mail: >> >>Autor do livro "Solid Wastes and Recycling in Latin >> America & the Caribbean; Trends & Policies" >> > >Pat Franklin, Executive Director >Container Recycling Institute >1911 Ft. Myer Drive Suite 900 >Arlington, VA 22209 >703/276-9800 fax 276-9587 >email: >web: > >***************************************************** > To post to the greenyes list, send a letter to: > > To unsubscribe, send a message to: > with the subject >unsubscribe. If you have any problems, please >write to > GreenYes is archived on the GrassRoots Recycling >Network web site: >****************************************************** > >

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