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I hope you don't consider this message spam!
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Content-Base: "http://www.senate.gov/~murkowski/comme
<BASE HREF="http://www.senate.gov/~murkowski/commercialemail/EMailAmendText.html">
If you have been directed to this page, you have probably received spam from an Internet marketer. I was the author of anti-spam legislation in the 105th Congress since I believe that spam is a burden upon citizens who use the Internet. Although my bill passed the Senate, the House of Representatives took a different view of the issue by merely recommending self-regulation. Ultimately no legislation was adopted into law. I will shortly be re-introducing similar anti-spam legislation in the 106th Congress.
If the spam you received contains illegal and/or offensive material, I encourage you to forward the spam to the Federal Trade Commission at uce@ftc.gov. The FTC is beginning to take legal action against these abusers of the Internet and is seeking examples of spam to initiate its investigations and prosecutions.
Spam is a burden that needs to end. I look forward to seeing the day that this occurs.
Thank you,
Senator Frank Murkowski
U.S. Senate