I don't know how sucessful this comany is...I was at a trade show in
Spokane, WA last Nov. and ran into a booth for Northwest Specialty
Recycling, LLC., a polystyrene recycling center in Moses Lake, WA. I
recall that they were doing post-consumer. The phone no. on their
literature is 509-762-2409.
Myra Nissen
FULLER Brian wrote:
> FYI an interesting article on food service polystyrene. If any one knows of
> a successful post consumer food service polystyrene recycling program, I
> would enjoy hearing about it. The only market on the west coast that I am
> aware of is the NPRC in Corona, CA and they are currently charging $300/ton
> to accept this material. I have also heard a rumor that this facility is
> for sale?
> * Paper Waste: Why Portland's Ban on Polystyrene Foam
> Products Has Been a Costly Failure
> by Angela Eckhardt, Cascade program assistant
> http://www.CascadePolicy.org/growth/poly.pdf
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