Maybe this generation will take the reverse approach - make the money and then seek fulfillment b/c they realize the first doesn't do what they want. Send them all a subscription to the "Utne Reader" and hasten that process along.
> ----------
> From: RecycleWorlds[]
> Sent: Thursday, April 08, 1999 1:46 PM
> To: multiple recipients of
> Subject: [GRRN] Youth Attitudes
> Following my posting of the article describing the latest UCLA study of
> entering freshman attitudes, I've been asked to keep sex out of the
> listserve and focus on environmental issues.
> I hope people read to the bottom -- and meat -- of that article,
> instead of stopping at the top where the editor -- as most editors do --
> frontended one of what was hundreds of questions, that dealt with sex.
> Because others might have stopped with the sex question and missed the
> substance, let me highlight the critical kernel, the point that should
> scare the bee-jees out of us, which is the reversal of attitudes in today's
> entering class concerning making money versus self actualization compared
> to the sixties and seventies. It was the fact that self actualization
> became predominant over making money by an entire generation, including
> most social classes as well, that led to the environmental awakening
> sometimes crytalized in the first earth day.
> Ultimately, recycling has succeeded not because it is being driven by
> market forces -- certainly that's not the case with falling landfill
> prices -- but by force of public opinion that led industry to cooperate in
> a coordinated way that made it possible for our new industry to expand
> beyond the scrappers that preceded us.
> Big shifts like UCLA's study (which has been running annually for more
> than 30 years) is picking up has the most portentious impacts on our
> industry if it is accurately describing the current mood and is not turned
> around by events in the future.
> Peter
> ____________________________________
> Peter Anderson
> RecycleWorlds Consulting
> 4513 Vernon Blvd. Ste. 15
> Madison, WI 53705-4964
> Phone:(608) 231-1100/Fax: (608) 233-0011
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