[GRRN] Garbage on display events?

Bill Sheehan (zerowaste@grrn.org)
Fri, 2 Apr 1999 05:44:19 -0500

[posted from another list]

>From Jordan Wolf at Binghamton University: Is anyone familiar with campus
efforts to put garbage on display as an attempt to increase waste reduction
awareness? I was hoping to start Earth Week in April by putting all the
weekend garbage from the residence halls on display for a day in the peace
quad in front of the Union, along with posters with waste reduction facts
and figures. I would like to be in contact with people who have run a
similar event in the past, so that I can convince the administration to
allow it.

Email Jordan at bg19947@binghamton.edu, and send copies for posting on
EarthNet News to submissions@envirocitizen.org.