The community had a "lending library" for maternity clothes. All that
was required was to return the clothes clean and attend to any needed
Myra Nissen wrote:
> In a message dated 2/22/99 12:50:58 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> << Subj: Small scale swap depots/reuse areas
> Date: 2/22/99 12:50:58 PM Pacific Standard Time
> From:
> Sender:
> Reply-to:
> To: (Multiple recipients of list)
> Hello, all. We plan to create a "starter kit" for small towns that would
> like
> to begin operating a small area to facilitate drop-off and reuse of reusable
> items at town transfer stations. The kit will contain info on costs, space
> needs, liability, etc. Are there any similar documents that we should be
> aware of before we begin creating ours or that would be helpful to us?
> Thanks
> in advance - John Majercak, Center for Ecological Technology (CET). >>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Small scale swap depots/reuse areas
> Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 15:50:44 -0500 (EST)
> From:
> Reply-To:
> To: Multiple recipients of list <>
> Hello, all. We plan to create a "starter kit" for small towns that would like
> to begin operating a small area to facilitate drop-off and reuse of reusable
> items at town transfer stations. The kit will contain info on costs, space
> needs, liability, etc. Are there any similar documents that we should be
> aware of before we begin creating ours or that would be helpful to us? Thanks
> in advance - John Majercak, Center for Ecological Technology (CET).