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In a message dated 2/18/99 2:31:09 PM Pacific Standard Time,
aschneid@cats.ucsc.edu writes:
You are invited to participate in a public meeting:
March 5, 1999
9:00 am to 7:30 pm
at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Region 9 Office, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco
The EPA will be holding a public meeting on two major initiatives add=
persistent bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemicals in the environme=
What Are PBT Chemicals? PBT chemicals are highly toxic, can remain in=
environment for generations and can travel long distances through the a=
ir to
reach land and water. They can bioaccumulate, or build up in the food =
chain, to
levels that are harmful to human and ecosystem health. PBT chemicals a=
re known
to cause a variety of health effects at low doses, including reproducti=
disorders and cancer.
- The first initiative the agency is seeking comment on is the EPA PBT =
Specifically, the agency is seeking comment on two documents develope=
d as part
of EPA?s PBT Strategy, which is designed to reduce releases of these
chemicals. The two documents are ?A Multimedia Strategy for Priority=
Persistent Bioaccumulated and Toxic Pollutants? and ?EPA Action Plan =
Public comment period: 9 am to 12 noon
- The second initiative the agency is seeking comment on is the PBT TRI=
This is a proposed rule to add certain PBT chemicals to the Toxics Re=
Inventory (TRI) and to lower the reporting thresholds for these chemi=
The TRI is a public database of toxic releases to the air, water and =
land from
certain industries. This proposed rule, announced in the January 5, =
Federal Register, will lead to greater reporting of environmental rel=
eases of
a number of PBT chemicals including dioxin and mercury and will furth=
er expand
the public's right to know.
Public comment period: 1 pm to 4 pm
- There will be an opportunity to comment on either/or both initiatives=
in the
Public comment period: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
A copy of the PBT strategy is on Website http://www.epa.gov/pbt/pbtstra=
A copy of the Federal Register Notice with the proposed PBT Toxics Rele=
Inventory Rule is on Website
If you would like to present comments at the meetings, please call the =
Hotline at
1-800-535-0202 for details. If you would like to participate via conf=
call, please contact Patty Monahan (contact information below). It i=
s helpful
to provide written copies of your comments.
For information on the San Francisco meeting, contact Patty Monahan at
415-744-1109, email: monahan.patty@epa.gov
For information on the proposed PBT TRI rule, contact Daniel R. Bushman=
202-260-3882, e-mail: bushman.daniel@epa.gov
For information on the EPA PBT Strategy, contact Sam Sasnett at
202-260-8020, e-mail: sasnett.sam@epa.gov
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Subject: persistent bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemicals in the environment
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The US EPA is beginning to sponsor information meetings on persistent
bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemicals in the environment. They are
looking at chemicals like mercury, lead and other industrial sources of
chemicals that will be listed in their public information releases.
She does not think that this process will look at lead based paint
architectural components.
Please contact the email/phones on the following message for more
Ann Schneider
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From: <Monahan.Patty@epamail.epa.gov>
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Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 14:07:12 -0800
Subject: Public Meeting
To: aschneid@cats.ucsc.edu
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You are invited to participate in a public meeting:
March 5, 1999
9:00 am to 7:30 pm
at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Region 9 Office, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco
The EPA will be holding a public meeting on two major initiatives add=
persistent bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemicals in the environme=
What Are PBT Chemicals? PBT chemicals are highly toxic, can remain in=
environment for generations and can travel long distances through the a=
ir to
reach land and water. They can bioaccumulate, or build up in the food =
chain, to
levels that are harmful to human and ecosystem health. PBT chemicals a=
re known
to cause a variety of health effects at low doses, including reproducti=
disorders and cancer.
- The first initiative the agency is seeking comment on is the EPA PBT =
Specifically, the agency is seeking comment on two documents develope=
d as part
of EPA?s PBT Strategy, which is designed to reduce releases of these
chemicals. The two documents are ?A Multimedia Strategy for Priority=
Persistent Bioaccumulated and Toxic Pollutants? and ?EPA Action Plan =
Public comment period: 9 am to 12 noon
- The second initiative the agency is seeking comment on is the PBT TRI=
This is a proposed rule to add certain PBT chemicals to the Toxics Re=
Inventory (TRI) and to lower the reporting thresholds for these chemi=
The TRI is a public database of toxic releases to the air, water and =
land from
certain industries. This proposed rule, announced in the January 5, =
Federal Register, will lead to greater reporting of environmental rel=
eases of
a number of PBT chemicals including dioxin and mercury and will furth=
er expand
the public's right to know.
Public comment period: 1 pm to 4 pm
- There will be an opportunity to comment on either/or both initiatives=
in the
Public comment period: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
A copy of the PBT strategy is on Website http://www.epa.gov/pbt/pbtstra=
A copy of the Federal Register Notice with the proposed PBT Toxics Rele=
Inventory Rule is on Website
If you would like to present comments at the meetings, please call the =
Hotline at
1-800-535-0202 for details. If you would like to participate via conf=
call, please contact Patty Monahan (contact information below). It i=
s helpful
to provide written copies of your comments.
For information on the San Francisco meeting, contact Patty Monahan at
415-744-1109, email: monahan.patty@epa.gov
For information on the proposed PBT TRI rule, contact Daniel R. Bushman=
202-260-3882, e-mail: bushman.daniel@epa.gov
For information on the EPA PBT Strategy, contact Sam Sasnett at
202-260-8020, e-mail: sasnett.sam@epa.gov