Re: greenyes-d Digest V99 #40

Caroline Truth (
Tue, 09 Feb 1999 12:58:05 -0600

GY and jobs: Useful to have the URLs of sites like those, thanks for
posting them - but -
I have said before and will say again, I like to see the job postings on
the GreenYes list and on other lists for the reasons I stated before on
GY and for the reasons others stated (some of which include, networking
potential, uses a source of information I already scan for information,
unscientific but useful indicator of prevailing salaries and benefits
and of regions experiencing growth in env. jobs, etc).

I know from a my own experience with a early 1998 job search that there
are fewer ways to find out about policy and program oriented env. jobs
as opposed to technical/science-oriented environmental jobs, and so
lists like this remain a valuable source of info. wrote: Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999
09:01:24 -0600

> From: "Dunn, Paul (MoRv)" <>
> To: "''" <>
> Subject: [GRRN] EnviroJobs Mailing List

> Good day greenyes listers--

> The subject of job postings on the greenyes list has been an issue
> from
> time to time (regarding whether they are appropriate to the list or
> not). I just found that Onelist has an EnviroJobs mailing list.
> Would
> this fill the need?
> To sign up for the list, you must get on the web and go to
> Do a search for EnviroJobs. You'll have to sign up for a user ID
> which
> is easy and allows you to change your profile easily (digest, turn
> on/off).
> EnviroJobs [English]
> This list is for students and professionals who are interested in
> environmentally oriented careers. Join our list and discuss
> environmental job opportunities, in demand skills, compare college
> programs, ask questions, and/or engage in debates on environmental
> issues. You can even get help with your classes. This list is
> absolutely
> free and is not operated for profit.
> For more information,
> --Paul Dunn
> Recycling Coordinator, City of Omaha