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In a message dated 2/1/99 8:12:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,
michele@raymond.com writes:
<< Dutch Voluntary Success to be Featured at the Next "Take it Back!"
Dear Readers:=09
Achieving high recycling rates without government bureaucracy is on the
agenda at the third annual "Take it Back!" conference to be held at the
Holiday Inn Old Town Alexandria May 13-14.
Nico Schrakamp, executive director of SVM in the Netherlands, will detail=
industry achieved a 50% recycling target with no government mandates, base=
d on
a covenant signed in 1991.
We took all your comments from the previous November conference into
account--there will be more times for each speaker, more time for networki=
and more fun with more interaction as well!
We are seeking co-sponsors, and will consider renting some booth space to
certain solutions-related firms that will fit in with out "Solutions" sess=
on Day 2.
While we have some great speakers lined up, there are a few speaking slot=
left. If you're interested in speaking, send your abstract via E-Mail or =
by Feb. 5, 1999. Please check the rough line-up to see if your suggestion =
in with the agenda.
Speakers receive free admission and free publications from Raymond
Communications. A full co-sponsor receives their name on all promotional
materials, three admissions, access to our lists, booth space, and an
opportunity to speak on an educational topic.
The "Take it Back! '99" conference is designed to help manufacturers cope
with the new patchwork of laws and reporting requirements. Day 1 will br=
environmental, packaging, and product managers on recycling policy from
California to Brazil to Taiwan. Day 2 will have more specialized
presentations and interactive workshops.
Mandated producer responsibility for packaging is now on the books in 28
countries throughout Europe and Asia, with 12 countries also implementing
takebacks on electronics and other durable goods.
David Perchard, Europe's foremost expert on recycling policy, will be bac=
k to
provide an update on the "Essential Requirements" for packaging, as well a=
his usual witty analysis of what to expect next from European regulators.
"Take it Back! '99" also will have presentations on Latin American and As=
recycling developments, including an update on international green labelin=
On Day Two, break out sessions will include Durables (electronics and bat=
takebacks) sponsored by the law firm of Guyer, Bagby and Zimmerman, and
packaging, featuring an interactive session from Victor Bell, of Environme=
Packaging International.
The "solutions" session will feature case histories from a major durables
manufacturer on implementing lifecycle management in material decisions. M=
Pharmaceuticals will give a case history , and you'll get details on how t=
track your packaging to comply with the international "patchwork" of manda=
Registration will be accepted soon =96 check the Raymond web site at
Information: Michele Raymond or Patricia Childs (P) 301-345-4237
Please note that Raymond Communications now has a new online order system=
place using the highly secure services of VCART.com. When you click on t=
Order form, it takes you to our new check-out system =96 It is very effici=
and easy to use. It allows your subscriber and NRC discounts. Check it ou=
t at
http//www.raymond.com We can accept all kinds of credit cards and purchas=
orders on this system.
Take it Back! =9199
=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09
Pre-Registration =96 Pick up book and badge - Raymond executive suite;
refreshments provided
May 13
9: a.m. - Introductory Remarks
9:10 a.m. - Nico Schrakamp =96 SVM Netherlands Special Guest
=09Success with Voluntary EPR
10:15 a.m. - David Perchard
=09CEN, Europe Update =96 Outlook for future Directives as well
=09General overview covering mostly packaging; notes on other directives =
products; helping us understand cultural underpinnings; outlook for
11:40 a.m. - Break coffee
12: 00 Lunch =97 Either Special Guest or Transport packaging Case Histo=
ry or
none OPEN
1:20 p.m. - Keith Ripley
=09Latin America - Making Progress on Policy
2:30 p.m. - Richard Ferris Beveridge & Diamond
=09Taiwan & China - Update on Taiwan's changing EPR policies
3:30 break
4 p.m. - What to Put on the Box =96 A Labeling Update =96 U.S. and Europe=
=09Ecolabelling Update as well OPEN
5 p.m. =96 Adjourn dinner on their own
7:30 p.m. Reception; hopefully live entertainment at 8:30 place TBA
8:30 - 12 :00 p.m. =96
Moderator: GLI or someone chosen by them
Co sponsored by Guyer Bagby & Zimmerman
=09Electronics Recovery Regulation Update TBA hopefully someone from Eur=
=09Battery Update =96 Jeff Bagby, GLI
=09Corporate case =96 if possible or design expert =96 TBA OPEN
Session Chair: OPEN Media or Assn. Exec to be invited
Domestic Update =96 Local Government Official OPEN
Design for Recycling Update =96 Bottle Design Project OR a Plastics Recy=
Update -Peter Anderson or other
Coping with European Mandates =96 Update and Mini-Exercise - Victor Bell,=
(Balance of time)
12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH =96 EPA's Position on EPR EPA official to be invited=
1:30 - 4:45 p.m.
General session:
Session Chair: Randy Haviland Johnson & Johnson
1. Lifecycle Systems Update =96 Corporate manager invited; still OPEN
2. Medical Case History: Merck Mark Housel
3. Setting up your Package tracking System for Europe =96 Randy Haviland =
Victor Bell
HOTEL: a block of rooms will be set aside at the Holiday Inn Old Town (in=
heart of Old Town this time!!) Room discount rate: Single $142 Cut-off dat=
for discount: April 19. The hotel does fill up.
Admission will be slightly higher =96 will partly depend on co-sponsors.
Looking forward to your comments and suggestions! I will send another E-=
to subscribers seeking feedback.
Michele Raymond
Recycling Laws International
5111 Berwyn Rd. #115
College Park MD 20740
301 345 4237
301 345-4768
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Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 11:11:59 -0500 (EST)
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Subject: Take it Back!'99
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Gary Liss
Dutch Voluntary Success to be Featured at the Next "Take it Back!" Conference
(This E-Mail is public and we encourage you to forward it; if you received it
in error, please E-mail patricia@raymond.com) CUST
Dear Readers:
Achieving high recycling rates without government bureaucracy is on the agenda
at the third annual "Take it Back!" conference to be held at the Holiday Inn
Old Town Alexandria May 13-14.
Nico Schrakamp, executive director of SVM in the Netherlands, will detail how
industry achieved a 50% recycling target with no government mandates, based on
a covenant signed in 1991.
We took all your comments from the previous November conference into
account--there will be more times for each speaker, more time for networking,
and more fun with more interaction as well!
We are seeking co-sponsors, and will consider renting some booth space to
certain solutions-related firms that will fit in with out "Solutions" session
on Day 2.
While we have some great speakers lined up, there are a few speaking slots
left. If you're interested in speaking, send your abstract via E-Mail or Fax
by Feb. 5, 1999. Please check the rough line-up to see if your suggestion fits
in with the agenda.
Speakers receive free admission and free publications from Raymond
Communications. A full co-sponsor receives their name on all promotional
materials, three admissions, access to our lists, booth space, and an
opportunity to speak on an educational topic.
The "Take it Back! '99" conference is designed to help manufacturers cope with
the new patchwork of laws and reporting requirements. Day 1 will brief
environmental, packaging, and product managers on recycling policy from
California to Brazil to Taiwan. Day 2 will have more specialized
presentations and interactive workshops.
Mandated producer responsibility for packaging is now on the books in 28
countries throughout Europe and Asia, with 12 countries also implementing
takebacks on electronics and other durable goods.
David Perchard, Europe's foremost expert on recycling policy, will be back to
provide an update on the "Essential Requirements" for packaging, as well as
his usual witty analysis of what to expect next from European regulators.
"Take it Back! '99" also will have presentations on Latin American and Asian
recycling developments, including an update on international green labeling
On Day Two, break out sessions will include Durables (electronics and battery
takebacks) sponsored by the law firm of Guyer, Bagby and Zimmerman, and
packaging, featuring an interactive session from Victor Bell, of Environmental
Packaging International.
The "solutions" session will feature case histories from a major durables
manufacturer on implementing lifecycle management in material decisions. Merck
Pharmaceuticals will give a case history , and you'll get details on how to
track your packaging to comply with the international "patchwork" of mandates.
Registration will be accepted soon – check the Raymond web site at
Information: Michele Raymond or Patricia Childs (P) 301-345-4237
Please note that Raymond Communications now has a new online order system in
place using the highly secure services of VCART.com. When you click on the
Order form, it takes you to our new check-out system – It is very efficient
and easy to use. It allows your subscriber and NRC discounts. Check it out at
http//www.raymond.com We can accept all kinds of credit cards and purchase
orders on this system.
Take it Back! ‘99
Pre-Registration – Pick up book and badge - Raymond executive suite;
refreshments provided
May 13
9: a.m. - Introductory Remarks
9:10 a.m. - Nico Schrakamp – SVM Netherlands Special Guest
Success with Voluntary EPR
10:15 a.m. - David Perchard
CEN, Europe Update – Outlook for future Directives as well
General overview covering mostly packaging; notes on other directives for
products; helping us understand cultural underpinnings; outlook for
11:40 a.m. - Break coffee
12: 00 Lunch — Either Special Guest or Transport packaging Case History or
none OPEN
1:20 p.m. - Keith Ripley
Latin America - Making Progress on Policy
2:30 p.m. - Richard Ferris Beveridge & Diamond
Taiwan & China - Update on Taiwan's changing EPR policies
3:30 break
4 p.m. - What to Put on the Box – A Labeling Update – U.S. and Europe;
Ecolabelling Update as well OPEN
5 p.m. – Adjourn dinner on their own
7:30 p.m. Reception; hopefully live entertainment at 8:30 place TBA
8:30 - 12 :00 p.m. –
Moderator: GLI or someone chosen by them
Co sponsored by Guyer Bagby & Zimmerman
Electronics Recovery Regulation Update TBA hopefully someone from Europe
Battery Update – Jeff Bagby, GLI
Corporate case – if possible or design expert – TBA OPEN
Session Chair: OPEN Media or Assn. Exec to be invited
Domestic Update – Local Government Official OPEN
Design for Recycling Update – Bottle Design Project OR a Plastics Recycler
Update -Peter Anderson or other
Coping with European Mandates – Update and Mini-Exercise - Victor Bell, EPI
(Balance of time)
12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH – EPA's Position on EPR EPA official to be invited OPEN
1:30 - 4:45 p.m.
General session:
Session Chair: Randy Haviland Johnson & Johnson
1. Lifecycle Systems Update – Corporate manager invited; still OPEN
2. Medical Case History: Merck Mark Housel
3. Setting up your Package tracking System for Europe – Randy Haviland or
Victor Bell
HOTEL: a block of rooms will be set aside at the Holiday Inn Old Town (in the
heart of Old Town this time!!) Room discount rate: Single $142 Cut-off date
for discount: April 19. The hotel does fill up.
Admission will be slightly higher – will partly depend on co-sponsors.
Looking forward to your comments and suggestions! I will send another E-Mail
to subscribers seeking feedback.
Michele Raymond
Recycling Laws International
5111 Berwyn Rd. #115
College Park MD 20740
301 345 4237
301 345-4768