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In a message dated 1/26/99 6:07:51 PM Pacific Standard Time, mff@igc.org
<< Subj: Technical Assistance Tool Available
Date: 1/26/99 6:07:51 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: mff@igc.org (Materials for the Future)
Sender: jtrnet@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov
Reply-to: jtrnet@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov
To: jtrnet@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov (Multiple recipients of list)
New Technical Assistance Tool for Recycling-based Manufacturers
Materials for the Future Foundation's latest publication, Manufacturing
with Reused and Recycled Materials: Fifty Small Business Opportunities is
now available. The guide is a useful tool for developing reuse or
remanufacturing enterprises. The book contains profiles of fifty different
business ideas, ranging from mattress refurbishing to making decorative
glass tiles from recycled glass. The profiles detail what equipment, space
and capital are needed to start the enterprise, and briefly describe the
manufacturing process. The guide also contains chapters on writing a
business plan, developing a marketing strategy and financing the
The guide was published by MFF to better assist individuals and
organizations that are interested in starting recovered materials
enterprises. The California Department of Conservation provided funding for
the writing and publishing of the book.
The cost is $40 per copy, plus $2 shipping and handling (California
residents must add sales tax). Payment must be check or money order made
out to the Materials for the Future Foundation, PO Box 29091, San
Francisco, CA 94129-0091, (415)561-6530.
The mission of the Materials for the Future Foundation is to support
community-based initiatives that integrate the environmental goals of
resource conservation through waste prevention, reuse, and recycling with
the economic development goals of job creation/retention, enterprise
development, and local empowerment. Our work focuses on low-income
communities, communities of color, and areas of high worker displacement,
especially in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Contact: Linda Christopher, 415-561-6530, mff@igc.org
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From: mff@igc.org (Materials for the Future)
To: Multiple recipients of list <jtrnet@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov>
Subject: Technical Assistance Tool Available
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New Technical Assistance Tool for Recycling-based Manufacturers
Materials for the Future Foundation's latest publication, Manufacturing
with Reused and Recycled Materials: Fifty Small Business Opportunities is
now available. The guide is a useful tool for developing reuse or
remanufacturing enterprises. The book contains profiles of fifty different
business ideas, ranging from mattress refurbishing to making decorative
glass tiles from recycled glass. The profiles detail what equipment, space
and capital are needed to start the enterprise, and briefly describe the
manufacturing process. The guide also contains chapters on writing a
business plan, developing a marketing strategy and financing the
The guide was published by MFF to better assist individuals and
organizations that are interested in starting recovered materials
enterprises. The California Department of Conservation provided funding for
the writing and publishing of the book.
The cost is $40 per copy, plus $2 shipping and handling (California
residents must add sales tax). Payment must be check or money order made
out to the Materials for the Future Foundation, PO Box 29091, San
Francisco, CA 94129-0091, (415)561-6530.
The mission of the Materials for the Future Foundation is to support
community-based initiatives that integrate the environmental goals of
resource conservation through waste prevention, reuse, and recycling with
the economic development goals of job creation/retention, enterprise
development, and local empowerment. Our work focuses on low-income
communities, communities of color, and areas of high worker displacement,
especially in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Contact: Linda Christopher, 415-561-6530, mff@igc.org