[GRRN] Fw: MASSPIRG Seeking Nominations for Wastemaker Awards

Bill Sheehan (zerowaste@grrn.org)
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 12:01:15 -0500

[Forwarded from Vivien Watts, MASSPIRG Recycling Initiative Campaign]

-----Original Message-----
From: Vivien Watts <recycle@toxicsaction.org>
To: Bill Sheehan <zerowaste@grrn.org>
Date: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 11:35 AM
Subject: Nominate a wastemaker

Hi Bill. ... Feel free to pass this along to greenyes. The products
should be widely available in Massachusetts.
Thanks, Vivien
Recycling Initiative Campaign

January 12, 1999

Dear Recycling Activist,

On Tuesday, February 23, 1999, the Recycling Initiative Campaign and its
coalition partners will hold press conferences across Massachusetts to
announce our Tenth Annual Wastemaker Awards, highlighting wastefully
packaged products and the companies that manufacture them. The "awards"
ceremony features about 15 products that use environmentally harmful or
excessive packaging, and in as many cases as possible, compare them to

Packaging is the most wasteful part of the waste stream (about 31%). It is
designed to be used once and thrown away. It is often difficult to recycle.
Yet manufacturers keep making more! This is your chance to nominate that
heinously packaged product that makes you cringe when you see it on the
shelf. Wastemaker awards usually receive good press coverage and help keep
the producer responsibility message out there. They also serve to educate
decision makers and the public.

We are sending out a call for nominations. The winning products will be
displayed and highlighted at press conferences statewide.

Wastemaker Award candidates are widely used and available products that are
clear cases of over packaging or environmentally harmful packaging. For
example, last year, the awards highlighted products (from hair gel to
vegetable oil) that were sold in PVC plastic bottles - including quite a few
examples when the product was sold both in the PVC bottle and some other
type of plastic. Other past award winners have included shrink wrapped
vegetables, Kool-Aid Koolbursts (that come in plastic, cardboard, and shrink
wrap), deodorant that comes both in a box and not, and "snackables." We
will also highlight "wastesavers," products or manufacturers that encourage
waste reduction like the Body Shop with its refillable policy. We want to
get a good variety this year highlighting the worst (and best) out there.

The Awards are scheduled for February 23rd, 1999. We will need the
nominations by Monday, February 1. I will let you know the winners by
Tuesday, February 9. If you are interested in helping to select the
winners, let me know.

Please send me the complete information about any product you think might
fit the qualifications (product and manufacturer name, where it is sold, and
description of the packaging). Please also let me know of good alternatives
or manufacturers with good packaging policies. E-mail me at
<recycle@toxicsaction.org> or call me at (617) 292-4821, or send by snail
mail to Vivien Watts RIC 29 Temple Pl. Boston, MA 02111.

Thank you for your time! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any

Vivien Watts
Field Organizer