Corp Watch is back! (fwd)

Ann Schneider (
Tue, 17 Nov 1998 21:40:38 -0800 (PST)

I've forwarded this message from CRT-list which is the listserve of the
Silicon Valley Toxic Coalition. The list they are advertising is a
Corporation watch. The Toxic Coalition is a watchdog group for hazardous
materials and was one of the first ?/earliest advocates against ground
water contamination from so called clean industry in Santa Clara County.

Ann Schneider

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 10:44:26 -0800 (PST)
From: Silicon Valley Toxics Coal <>
Subject: Corp Watch is back!

Dear Friends--
Here is information about another list-serve we thought you would be
interested in.


After a week off for vacation, Focus on the Corporation returns this week.
The column will follow shortly.

First, a request. We'd like to build the electronic circulation of Focus
on the Corporation. If members of the list could pass the notice below to
friends, colleagues and relevant lists, we'd appreciate it.

Also, we are working with Z magazine's ZNet to establish a forum where
readers of the column can post comments and where Russell and I will
respond. We've received many interesting e-mail notes over the past few
months; this will give people a way to share their comments with a broader
audience, if they choose. We'll post information on this in the next few


Corp-Focus is a moderated listserve which distributes the weekly column
"Focus on the Corporation," co-authored by Russell Mokhiber, editor of
Corporate Crime Reporter, and Robert Weissman, editor of Multinational
Monitor magazine.

To subscribe to Corp-Focus, send an e-mail message to with the following all in one line:

subscribe corp-focus <your name>

Focus on the Corporation scrutinizes the multinational corporation -- the
most powerful institution of our time. Once a week, it reports and
comments critically on corporate actions, plans, abuses and trends.
Written with a sharp edge and occasional irreverency, Focus on the
Corporation covers:

* The double standards which excuse corporations for behavior (e.g.,
causing injury, accepting welfare) widely considered criminal or shameful
when done by individuals;
* Globalization and corporate power;
* Trends in corporate economic blackmail, political influence and
workplace organization;
* Industry-wide efforts to escape regulation, silence critics, employ new
technologies or consolidate business among a few companies;
* Specific, extreme examples of corporate abuses: destruction of
communities, trampling of democracy, poisoning of air and water;
* Issues, such as tort reform, of across-the-board interest to business;
* The corporatization of our culture.

Please post this notice on relevant lists, and accept our apologies for