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These are interesting times Both schemes work in the situation that they are applied Del Norte is a rural community, most of the discards there are self hauled to the disposal site. The Resource Recovery park is a perfect answer as it precedes the transfer station. EPR starts there, because there is no recovery option other than the producer. Boulder is a urban setting with curbside collection. The four sort system works here (Green, Blue, Black and reusable's/dismantlibles) because there is an economy in collection from neighborhoods the compensates for the sort and bale sytstem (MRF). I want to get it all, and we working with several jurisdictions and companies who want the same. Look to the giant corporations (RICOH, Toyota) that have achieved 90% and above on several continents for some direction. rick -----Original Message----- From: Dan Knapp <dr.ore@no.address> To: Helen Spiegelman <hspie@no.address> Cc: 'greenyes greenyes' <greenyes@no.address> Sent: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 1:50 pm Subject: [GreenYes] Re: market downturn Interesting exchange, you two.
There is a competing model, and it's up and running now in Crescent City, CA. Kevin Hendrick and Tedd Ward are the guiding geneii (plural of genius). Urban Ore=2
0did the site plan as subs to Gary Liss, Associates -- actually we supplied three different site plans, because the first two proposed sites didn't work out. Kevin and Tedd are making it work. The transfer complex is not complete yet; 9 acres done, 5 acres still to be built out, but it looks great and it's very popular with the customers. The significant thing about it is that it uses rates to unscramble and clean up resources, not after-mixing machinery. The rate structure at this place is the most complex I've ever seen, and it is set up to permit people to enter, dump, return to the scales, pay another fee, dump again, and so on, all at separate places designed to keep things clean and reward effective recycling behavior. It's rural, and small, but the principles for delivering clean resource streams are the same as the ones Urban Ore has been using for years in a much more urban context. Unfortunately, Berkeley is saddled with a dysfunctional first-generation transfer station complex and a public works management structure that seems bent on repeating many of the errors of the solid waste management profession. But we're still in the early stages of the rebuild process, and I remain hopeful we can be a positive influence going forward.
Dan Knapp
Urban Ore, Inc.
On Nov 20, 2008, at 10:02 AM, Helen Spiegelman wrote:
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