Title: [GreenYes] Re: Zero Waste Stadiums?
Good Morning,
Here is an article about the Oakland Coliseum Complex: http://www.stopwaste.org/docs/coliseum_3-20-07.pdf
It gives you some background information, challenges that were faced, what they're doing at the complex now, and their bottom line. The only thing I didn't see was the diversion rate from the composting program.
Hope you have a great day!
Jennifer Halpin
Recycling Information Specialist
Merced County Association of Governments (MCAG)
Ph: 209-723-3153 ext. 315
Fax: 209-723-0322
>>> Jack DeBell <Debell@no.address> 07/29/2008 10:58 AM >>>
The University of Colorado's Athletic Department is getting serious
at meeting the school's carbon neutrality goal and has asked if there
are any stadiums that have implemented full-scale zero waste through
waste reduction, packaging changes, and trash can removal.
Any information about stadiums that have set these goals or have
operational experience to compare is greatly appreciated.
Jack DeBell
University of Colorado Recycling Services
UMC 355
207 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0207
303.492.8307 office
303.492.3244 fax