Title: [GreenYes] Re: Performance of Rural Solid Waste Convenience Centers pay by the bag systems compared to 'free systems'
There may be something in one of our PAYT sussess stories at
http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/payt/tools/success.htm or in one of
the research articles at http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/payt/research.htm
or in PA's PAYT profiles at http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/airwaste/wm/recycle/PAYT/payt.htm
On Jun 18, 1:45 pm, "Blair Pollock" <bpoll...@no.address> wrote:
> Hello,
> On a much more prosaic note than the recent high flying discussions
> about zero waste --- Are there any studies/experience of communities
> that have solid waste convenience centers for disposal, especially in
> rural areas that have shifted from 'free' waste disposal to 'fee' waste
> disposal e.g. pay-by-the-bag or by the pound/kG and how that change
> affected waste generation rates v. recycling and/or how the change
> interacted w/ the use of subscription waste haulers instead of self haul
> to the centers?
> Our community has about 20,000 households in the unincorporated areas
> and about 500,000 (yes half a million) convenience center visits
> annually which we believe are predominantly from those rual households
> as urban households have weekly 'free' waste, recycling and brush
> collection at the curb -- granted that the centers are full-service w/
> recycling, C&D disposal, brush, motor oil, filters, batteries, swap
> sheds, tires, electronics and bulky household item disposal, but it's
> all 'free' i.e.paid for in the general fund.
> We're examining alternatives to having a system of only that option v.
> laissez-faire waste hauling where any hauler can pick you up; some have
> 5 haulers in their area, not too efficient.
> Thanks, happy strawberry full moon.
> Blair Pollock
> Solid Waste Planner
> Orange County Solid Waste Management Department
> P.O. Box 17177
> Chapel Hill, NC 27516-7177
> (919) 968-2788 or direct: (919) 968-2800 x161
> (919) 932-2900 fax
> VOLUNTEER to help recycle more at Hog Day June 20 and June 21 and at
> the Eno River Festival July 4-6. Find out how:
> recycl...@no.address <mailto:recycl...@no.address> or
> 968-2788.
> sunbannA.gif
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> Sunflower Bkgrd.jpg
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