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[GreenYes] EUROPE: Participation in a study on optimising markets for recycling materials]

Title: [GreenYes] EUROPE: Participation in a study on optimising markets for recycling materials]

Hi folks,

For those with a real knowledge of recycling markets in Europe, here is
an interesting opportunity. The European Commission (the bureaucracy and
real powerhouse of EU government) is carrying out a study on how to
improve markets for recycled materials. One interesting aspect is at the
end of each questionnaire, where they ask for opinions on various policy
options, including a ban on sending recyclables to landfill or
incineration, EPR, and others.

If you want to participate, please contact Nathalie directly.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [waste.workinggroup] INFO Participation in a study on
optimising  markets for recycling materials
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 19:13:19 +0200
From: Nathalie Cliquot <nathalie.cliquot@no.address>
Organization: European Environment Bureau
To: Neil TRANGRI_Global Alliance for Incin Altern <neil@no.address>

Dear All,

I have received this information about a study carried out on
"optimising the markets for recycling" commissioned by the European
Commission. It looks at the specific obstacles for the recycling of
cardboard (including beverage packaging), food waste, batteries and PVC.

At the end, they propose solutions to improve the situation (including
tight regulatory measures such as ban on landfill and incineration of
recyclables / taxes etc), which may be an interesting message to convey.

NGOs are welcomed to contribute. The deadline is fairly soon, I am
afraid (16 of May or 23 of May).

Can you let me know whether your organisation would like to participate?

I am afraid that there is only limited resource the EEB can put into
this, but I would be glad to hear from those who would like to take part.

Kind regards,


Dear Madam,

ARCADIS Belgium and Eunomia Research & Consulting are currently
undertaking a study for the European Commission, entitled “Optimising
Markets for Recycling”.

I attach here a letter by the European Commission explaining the context
of the study and asking for collaboration.

The general objective of this study is to identify and to remedy the
main barriers to improving recycling markets in the European Union.

We intend to cover specifically the following waste streams:

      * cardboard (including beverage packaging)

      * food waste

      * batteries

      * PVC

I attach here a seperate questionnaire for each waste stream under

In order to develop a balanced view, we consult all relevant
stakeholders in this field, including industry, waste collectors,
recyclers,  government and NGOs.

We would therefore greatly appreciate if you would fill in the
questionnaires with respect to the issues for which appropriate data
exist at the European level (some of the questions are really meant to
be answered at the national level, so you can ignore those).

You can find the questionnaire in attachment to this mail.

Of course, we would prefer if all the answers could be substantiated by
verifiable data. However, we understand that we are already claiming a
substantial amount of your time of effort. Therefore, we are willing to
trust your expert judgment where data are hard to obtain or confidential.

We are aware of the fact that the questionnaire is rather long and
covers a wide range of topics, some of which you may feel unacquainted
with. We therefore fully understand if there are some questions you
would rather not answer. In these cases, we would of course highly
appreciate if you could refer us to someone who might be able to answer

We would like to emphasize that all answers provided in this report will
be treated in the level of confidentiality you require and that this
report will not be circulated without your prior consent with the
contents that will be attributed to you.

Yours sincerely

Laurent Franckx


ARCADIS Belgium nv
Laurent Franckx, PhD

Afdeling Strategisch Advies Overheid

Projectleider milieu-economie

Department Strategic Policy Advice

Project manager environmental economics

Roderveldlaan 3

B- 2600 Antwerpen
Tel +32 3 3286 273

Fax +32 3 3286 287
_l.franckx@no.address <mailto:l.franckx@no.address> _ <>_

ARCADIS, Imagine the result

Vanaf 1 januari heten ARCADIS Gedas, ARCADIS Ecolas, Euras, ARCADIS SWK,
ARCADIS Aeolus, Ingenieursbureau Constructor en Ingenieursbureau CW
allemaal ARCADIS Belgium nv, of kortweg ARCADIS. Eén gezamenlijke naam
die alle kennis en competenties, kwaliteit, ervaring en dynamiek van de
bedrijven bundelt.

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