Title: [GreenYes] EPA Offers GHG Inventory Training and Climate and Waste Training by Webcast
Subject: EPA Offers GHG Inventory Training and Climate and Waste
Training by Webcast
GHG Inventory Training
EPA is offering a series of free webcasts designed for local,
regional,and state governments to learn the basics of conducting a
greenhouse gas inventory. Three webcasts are planned for this series:
*First Session: Creating an Inventory
October 11, 2007, 2:00 - 3:30 PM (Eastern Time)
Topics will include understanding the purpose and scope of a GHG
inventory, setting a baseline, quantification approaches,
certification and reporting protocols, comparability, and level of
*Second Session: Translating Inventory Results into Action
November 6, 2007, 2:00 - 3:30 PM (Eastern Time)
Topics will include describing the various uses of GHG Inventories
including benchmarking, tracking progress over time, major source
identification, target setting, exploring mitigation options, and
action planning.
*Third Session: State Inventory Tool (SIT) Training Session
TBA, 2007
EPA's State Inventory Tool is an interactive Excel-based suite of
tools that assists with the development of a state-level greenhouse
gas emission inventory. This detailed training for the SIT modules
includes implementation of state data to assess GHG emissions by
source and sector.
To register for the sessions, e-mail: Inventory101@no.address
Priority for registration will be given to local, regional, and state
government staff and officials. If multiple staff from your agency
wish to participate, we ask that you share a computer and phone line.
EPA plans to record and post these webcasts on its Clean Energy
website. For additional information, contact Andrea Denny at
EPA will offer additional webcasts on local government clean energy
best practices in 2008.
Climate Change and Waste Management Web Seminar:
In addition, EPA's Resource Conservation Challenge Web Academy is
hosting the Recycling and Solid Waste Management Educational Series
of monthly programs.
Climate and Waste is the topic for the program on November 15, 2007
(1:00 PM Eastern Time; 12:00 Central; 11:00 Mountain, 10:00 Pacific)
will Most people don't realize that solid waste reduction and
recycling help address global climate change. How? The manufacture,
distribution and use of products - as well as management of the
resulting waste - all result in greenhouse gas emissions. Waste
prevention and recycling reduce greenhouse gases associated with these
activities by reducing methane emissions, saving energy, and
increasing forest carbon sequestration.
For more information and to register on-line go to www.epa.gov/region1/RCCedu
Note, there are different registration methods for the Climate and
Waste Management Seminar and the GHG Inventory Training. To register
for the GHG Inventory Training, e-mail: Inventory101@no.address