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[GreenYes] Nat. Recycling Coal. & Climate Change

I know there are those with, shall we say, mixed feeling a/b the NRC.
Still I believe this is very good news worth sharing
Rod Muir
Waste Diversion Campaigner
The Sierra Club of Canada




During the closing plenary session of it's annual conference, held this year in Denver, CO., the NRC introduced it's "Climate Change Initiative". Noting that, "the forming of new public policies to address climate change provides an extraordinary opportunity for the recycling community", the session focused "on the NRC's initiative to establish recycling's role in environmental, energy and economic sustainability and to recognize the value of recycling in a carbon constrained world"

The launch followed two earlier sessions at the conference. The first "Setting a Place at the Climate Change Table". After acknowledging "the benefits of recycling in lowering energy demand during material extraction and production and eliminating the emissions associated with waste management" sought to "discuss whether the benefits of recycling were being appropriately addressed at the various levels of government".

Speakers were John Armstrong Fort Collins CO., Margo Reid Brown, CIWMB, Chair and Washington Lawyer, Peter Grey. John, indeed set the table by sharing with the audience that the mix of recyclable containers could be made using 1/3 the energy vs. prime (virgin) material. Ms. Reid-Brown cited Zero Waste principles when she remarked upon the need for Producer not just Government responsibility. And Peter described the perfect storm gathering around the climate change issue, in next year's Presidential election.

The second session was entitled "Climate Change and Organics Material Management" and featured "experts from around the country (to) explain the unique position of organics management relative to efforts to mitigate climate change". Dr. Sally Brown, U. of Washington made several significant points. The first, that given methane (CH4) has a global warming potential 23 times greater than CO2, a ton of foodscraps buried in a landfill, under anaerobic conditions, produces 5 tons of CO3e. Second that as this gassing over occurs quite rapidly landfill gas capture systems are, to paraphrase, to little to late.

To continue, Scott Subler Environmental Credit Corp. a Chicago based emissions credit trader, talked as would be expected about the potential to trade outset emissions credits from composting. Matt Cotton, representing the U.S Composting Council, identified infrastructure as a significant barrier, saying that while 4,000 compost facilities exist in the Unites States just 100 take foodscrap material. Finally Rod Muir imploded all, to position, both to they residents and politicians, foodscrap collection as the logical "next step" in our diversion efforts.

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