Title: [GreenYes] 3rd Asphalt Shingle Recycling Forum & Foundry Sands Forum, Oct 31 - Nov 2, Chicago
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interested colleagues!
3rd Asphalt Shingle Recycling Forum Final Program Set
Millions of tons of "tear-off" asphalt roofing shingles are generated
each year in the U.S. and Canada from re-roofing and demolition
projects. The majority of "tear-off" shingles are disposed of in
landfills at a high cost since tipping fees at disposal facilities are
weight-based. Recycling asphalt roofing shingles has been increasing
recent years due to a number of environmental & economic factors.
Elevated prices for liquid asphalt are driving hot mix asphalt plants
consider using recycled asphalt shingles, as liquid asphalt is readily
recoverable from shingles. In addition, environmentally-conscious
homeowners and 'green building' ordinances and policies are forcing
contractors to consider alternatives to disposal.
The latest recycling techniques and markets for asphalt shingles will
presented at the 3rd Asphalt Shingle Recycling Forum, to be held in
Chicago on November 1st & 2nd. The Forum, to be convened by the
States Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Highway
Administration and the Construction Materials Recycling Association,
will address questions on topics exclusively related to recycled
tear-off asphalt shingles, including:
- What is happening at the National and local levels with policies
and specifications?
- What research has been completed and what research is needed to
move the use of tear-off shingles forward?
- What is the latest technology & engineering used in recovering
liquid asphalt from tear-off shingles?
- What modifications are needed to mix designs when incorporating
recycled asphalt shingles into hot mix asphalt?
- What are the environmental issues and worker health & safety
considerations shingle recyclers and state officials are working
together to address?
- What are the economic benefits to recyclers and end market
And what are the expanding market developments in recycled asphalt
- How can you get involved in recycling asphalt shingles?
The goal of the Forum is to bring together national and international
experts to discuss the latest research, advance the technology and
further develop markets for recycled asphalt shingles. Presenters and
panelists include:
- Gary White, Regional Operations Manager, U.S. DOT/FHWA
- Dr. Kimberly Cochran, U.S. EPA Office of Solid Waste
- Mike Clapham, Natural Resources Canada
- James Altwies, The Bruce Company, Wisconsin
- Husnu Kalkanoglu, CertainTeed Corporation
- Dr. Jenna Jambeck, University of New Hampshire
- Dr. Timothy Townsend, University of Florida
- Shawn McMullen, Lafarge N.A. (Systech Environmental Corp)
- Dan Chassie, Halifax C&D Recycling
In addition, exhibitors will provide information on the latest
and services available to the shingle recycling industry, including
- Rotochopper
- Peterson,
- Bandit,
- Recycling & Processing Equipment
- Asphalt Pavement Alliance
- Recycled Materials Resource Center
Primary sponsors include Owens Corning & the Asphalt Roofing
Manufacaturers Association.
All information on the Forum, including online registration, is
available at http://www.shinglerecycling.org.
In addition, we are working with Foundry Industry Recycling Starts
to host a one-day foundry sand forum prior to the shingle event for
applications on October 31st. Applications to be addressed include
flowable fill, h
ot mix asphalt, bases and subgrades, and structural fills.
Details on this program are available at http://foundryrecycling.org.
We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to attend both