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[GreenYes] Re: Good Morning America on recycling

Title: Re: [GreenYes] Good Morning America on recycling
After viewing the Good Morning America piece online, I went to Mr. Dubner’s blog and did some research. Turns out he’s buddies with John Tierney, author of the infamous Recycling is Garbage essay published 11 years ago in the New York Times Magazine (Dubner seems to have edited this piece).

Couldn’t help myself and wrote Dubner a little essay pointing out that recycling has changed just a bit since 1996 and that oil prices and landfill prices today are not what they were back then. At this point, I will give him the benefit of the doubt and not post my letter to him here until and/or unless he responds. I’m hoping to find time in August to turn my letter into a blog entry at

At any rate, if you’re still interested, go check out the following:  (read all the way to the bottom) (Recycling is Garbage piece cited by Dubner)

David Biddle, Executive Director
Greater Philadelphia Commercial Recycling Council
P.O. Box 4037
Philadelphia, PA 19118

215-247-3090 (desk)
215-432-8225 (cell)


Read In Business magazine to learn about sustainable
businesses in communities across North America!
Go to: <>

on 7/20/07 1:41 PM, Matthew Cotton at mattcotton@no.address wrote:

Are people on the list-serve familiar with this story:

This video interview of Stephen Dubner, co-author of Freakonomics, actually contends that it is economically and environmentally infeasible to recycle paper (paraphrased).  It made my blood boil, especially since I am chairing a Mass. Recycles Paper! campaign ( <> ) through MassRecycle based on the economic and environmental benefits of increasing paper recovery.   
Many of us in Mass. are sending letters of protest.  You too may send comments to
-Claire Sullivan, Executive Director
South Shore Recycling Cooperative
fax 508-785-2296
<mailto:ssrcclaire@no.address> <>
cell 508-934-6147
----- Original Message -----
From: Carol Rubenstein
To: MassRecycle@no.address <mailto:MassRecycle@no.address>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 5:14 PM
Subject: [MassRecycle] Good Morning America on recycling

There was an alarming piece on Good Morning America on Wednesday July 18: <>  , in which an interviewee  who is discussing  which recycling activities are worthwhile and which are not, states that paper recycling is probably not worth it, and we should probably just go for paper products made of virgin pulp.  Shall we all respond individually to ABC with our own versions of why we think paper recycling is valuable?  Or do we want to respond as an organization?
Carol S. Rubenstein, Chair
Sherborn Recycling Committee

Matthew Cotton
Integrated Waste Management Consulting, LLC
19375 Lake City Road
Nevada City, CA  95959
(530) 265-4560
Fax (530) 265-4547

Join us at the US Composting Council's 16th Annual Conference & Trade Show, February 9 - 12th, 2008 at the Oakland Marriott City Center, Oakland, California.  Check it out at

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