Sorry for cross posting.
Dear Friends,
You are receiving this request from The Florida Alliance
for a Clean Environment to sign our petition to Florida Governor Charlie Crist,
because you or your organization either signed our 2006 petition to former
Florida Governor Jeb Bush, his Cabinet and the Florida Legislature; or because I
have become aware of your environmental advocacy by meeting you or communicating
with you through the internet as a result of more recent efforts by utilities to
expand the use of polluting energy technologies into new areas of Florida and
The Florida Alliance for a Clean Environment's 2006 petition focused on
opposing those aspects of Florida Senate Energy Bill 888 that encouraged
incineration of municipal solid waste. We also opposed other Florida laws that favored
incineration at the expense of recycling. We objected then, as we do now, to the
categorization of municipal solid waste as a renewable resource.
We've advocated since the mid eighties, as now, for programs and
practices that eliminate wastefulness and manage discarded resources in an
environmentally sustainable way. We support reduce, reuse, recycle, plan and
design strategies, that include producer responsibility programs.
This year, 2007, our advocacy for efficiency and clean, truly renewable
energy technologies, as well as efficient management of resources overall, has
drawn us further into the energy policy discussion.
Efficiency and clean energy technologies are slipping into the background
as more lucrative dirty energy deals are being promoted. As Florida moves
forward toward developing a new State Energy Plan, the policy makers are
considering, and being encouraged to adopt; integrated gasification combined
cycle (IGCC) coal burning technology, an unproven, expensive technology;
nuclear, gas and municipal solid waste (MSW) burning.
There are many, many efficiency opportunities and clean energy
applications that can be beneficially integrated into a new energy plan for
Florida but there is an especially heavy promotion of what is erroneously
referred to as "clean coal" (IGCC), clean CO 2 free nuclear and "renewable"
energy from MSW burners. Gas Burners have their issues as well.
We need you to stand with us so we can continue to
challenge those advocating for polluting technologies. As in 2006, with so many
of you locally in southwest Florida, statewide and nationally as well as our
Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives (GAIA) friends from all over the
world, backing us we can again have an impact.
The petition below represents a continuation of The
Florida Alliance for a Clean Environment's previous efforts. It also serves to
communicate our call for a holistic, environmentally appropriate approach to the
design of Florida's energy plan and resource management
policies and strategies.
I ask that you read and consider signing the petition. It will be sent
under the banner of the Florida Alliance for a Clean Environment to The
Honorable Governor Charlie Crist, his Cabinet, Florida Legislators, Other Policy
Makers, and the Citizen Volunteers that make up the membership of the Florida
Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida the newly formed Florida Energy
Commission and their Sub-Committees.
If you agree with the positions we advocate please reply directly to the
e-mail address indicating that you are standing with us in this year's effort.
We will be accepting signatures until mid August, but would like to have as many
as possible by July 8th., this Sunday, for next week's Florida energy
Thank You,
For The Florida Alliance for a Clean
Bob Krasowski
President, project coordinator,
Michigan Ave, Naples
Fl. 34103
To the Honorable Governor Charlie
Governor of the State of Florida,
Governor Crist,
Et all c,
We, the undersigned, stand with the Florida Alliance for a Clean
Environment in support of their advocacy for 1) the creation of individual
energy option profiles that will make clear the characteristics of all
efficiency, energy, fuel and transportation options available to the People of
Florida, 2) the performance of a comparative analysis of all profiled options 3)
the establishment of a hierarchy of options 4) the development of an action
plan, based on the hierarchy, for implementation as the new Florida State Energy
Plan and 5) a temporary moratorium on the building of any new or expansion of
existing polluting power generating facilities.
We call for serious and equal consideration of all efficiency
opportunities, decentralized power strategies and clean truly renewable energy
generating options. A complete analysis, evaluation and discussion of cap and
trade, carbon fees, and energy code standards should work through this
evaluation process as well.
It is our hope, Governor Crist, that you the Peoples' Governor, along
with your dynamic Cabinet members, Legislators, Public Service Commission,
Department of Environmental Protection, other policy or rule makers and those
participating on behalf of the State of Florida as members of the Century
Commission for a Sustainable Florida, The Florida Energy Commission and their
Sub Committees will insist that the highest level of scientific analytical
integrity and public participation be maintained throughout this process. We are
aware of the many good efforts made to date by you and many of your associates.
We ask that you employ the processes we are advocating during the analysis of
all energy options available.
We advocate:
1) The creation of a complete profile of each and
every energy saving or energy producing option available to the People of the
State of Florida. These analytical profiles must provide
"cradle to grave" detailed information on the energy input/output ratio,
cost/benefit analysis, full cost accounting (to include disposal or recycling of
byproducts and the product itself), health and environmental impact analysis for
all options. The profile would give detailed information from the point where
the fuel for any given technology or the materials for any given energy related
product are extracted to the point where the power is created or saved. Building
design, lighting, appliances; subterranean temperature exchange systems, solar,
wind, ocean current, other clean renewables; transportation options and fuels; coal
(of any technology), Mixed Municipal Solid Waste to Energy burners (of any
type), Nuclear, or Gas (synthetic or natural), represent some of the options to
be profiled.
2) The performance of a thorough comparative analysis
of all the profiled options, providing for a clear understanding of the unique
characteristics of each option. This will allow for a determination to be
made as to the various options relative values in terms of costs/ benefits,
effectiveness, efficiencies, health and environmental impacts, etcetera.
3) The establishment of a hierarchal listing of the
options, putting the most efficient, least polluting first then listing the
clean truly renewable energy generating options next and so
4) The development of an action plan to schedule the implementation of
each option as listed on the hierarchy list, most efficient, least polluting
first, each option being fully implemented to the greatest degree possible
before moving on to the next until there is no further need to implement those
5) The establishment of a temporary moratorium on the construction of
any new or expanded polluting power generating facility. This would stand
until the aforementioned processes have been carried out and it is determined
how the State will proceed.
For The Florida Alliance for a Clean
Bob Krasowski
President, Project coordinator,