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[GreenYes] Subaru TV ad includes reference to Zero Waste

Apologies for Cross-Postings

Evidently Subaru has a new commercial out on TV that includes the
fact that they have achieved zero waste to landfill in their Indiana
plant. From their website,


this is the information they share about that (I highlighted key
points in red).

The Subaru Clean Plant

Consider this: When you carry out your trash at home on the next
collection day, you'll be sending more trash to landfills than the
entire Subaru manufacturing plant in Lafayette, Indiana (SIA). The
Subaru plant was the first auto assembly plant to achieve zero
landfill status - nothing from its manufacturing efforts goes into a
landfill. It's all reused and recycled.
* In 2006, SIA was awarded the U.S. EPA's Gold Achievement Award
as a top achiever in the agency's WasteWise program to reduce waste
and improve recycling.
* In 2004, SIA became the first U.S. manufacturing facility to
reach zero landfill status.
* In 2003, SIA became the first U.S. automotive assembly plant to
be designated a Backyard Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife
Federation. Deer, coyotes, beavers, blue herons, geese, and other
animals live there in peaceful coexistence with the Subaru plant.
* In 2002, SIA became the first auto assembly plant in the U.S.
with an on-site solvent recovery system that produces dry still bottoms.
* In 1998, SIA was the first auto assembly plant in the U.S. to
be ISO 14001 Certified.
* In 1994, SIA was also the first auto assembly plant in the U.S.
to be smoke free.
* Each year, SIA actively recycles 97% of excess/leftover steel,
plastic, wood, paper, glass, and other materials. The remaining 3% is
shipped to the city of Indianapolis and incinerated to help generate steam.
> From: Matthew Cotton <mattcotton@no.address>
> Subject: Re: Subaru ad on ZW
> Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 15:27:31 -0700
> To: Gary Liss <gary@no.address>
> Gary -
> I couldn't find the link to the commercial, but here's Subaru's
> web site...
> Matthew Cotton
> Integrated Waste Management Consulting, LLC
> 19375 Lake City Road
> Nevada City, CA 95959
> (530) 265-4560
> Fax (530) 265-4547
> <mailto:mattcotton@no.address>mattcotton@no.address
> Join us at the US Composting Council's 16th Annual Conference &
> Trade Show, February 8 - 12th, 2008 at the Oakland Marriott City
> Center, Oakland, California. Check it out at

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
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