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FYI >Subject: Fw: Nova Scotia leads the way...again >Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2007 19:04:53 -0400 >From: "Friesen, Barry" <barry.friesen@no.address> >To: <Gary@no.address> > >You may have received this already, but just in >case - Nova Scotia's interested in more..the following release on Thursday. > >"An Act Respecting Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity" > > >For those interested in waste, see Clause 4 (3) >(d) " The Governor in Council may make >regulations...imposing environmental levies and >disposable products for the purpose of reducing >waste and managing costs of environmental management." > > > >I can think of three areas they might be >thinking about...disposal tax, plastic bags and coffee cups...hmmmm.... > > > >There is so much more opportunity in this Act >for air quality, Greenhouse Gas reductions, etc. We need it here! > > > >Media: > > > > >http://www.cbc.ca/canada/nova-scotia/story/2007/03/22/environment.html#skip300x250 > > > >Speaking Notes > >for > >An Act Respecting Environmental Goals > >and Sustainable Prosperity > >Honourable Mark Parent > >Minister of Environment and Labour > >Province House > >March 22, 2007 > >Check against delivery > >Thank you. > >Today we are introducing an Act Respecting >Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity. > >The growing recognition that human activity is a >significant cause of climate change will have >dramatic effects on the worldâ??s economy and everyoneâ??s lifestyles. > >This bill is our provinceâ??s response to that change. > >It builds on some of the best work government >and the private sector have done on the >environment and the economy in the past few >years. The Green Plan and the Opportunities for >Sustainable Prosperity are two examples. So is >the NovaKnowledge report on the environmental economy. > >As the Premier said today, the health of the >environment, the economy and the people of Nova Scotia are interconnected. > >We enjoy a sophisticated economy, but it not >does not operate independently of the environment. > >Our economy needs countless commodities that we >take from the ground, extract from the air, or >draw from our waterways. Our people need safe >food, healthy water, and clean air. > >The fact is, our quality of life flows directly >from the environment. Environment is really another word for our common wealth. > >So it follows that the healthier our environment is, the wealthier we will be. > >This bill, therefore, is about our environment and our economy. > >In April 2006, a report from the Premier's >Advisory Council on Innovation proposed that >Nova Scotia aim to have the cleanest and most >sustainable environment in the world by the year 2025. > >Our response is this: it is our goal to be >internationally recognized by 2020 as as >having one of the cleanest and most sustainable environments in the world. > >Itâ??s an ambitious goal, but big ideas inspire big achievements. > >We have established more than 20 objectives >along the way to our goal, and this bill holds >government accountable for progress. > >Some are new commitments, some we have announced >earlier and are now putting into law. > >Each year the Minister of Environment and >Labour, with advice from the Nova Scotia Round >Table on Environmental Sustainability, will >report to the House of Assembly on our progress toward these objectives. > >Perhaps the most ambitious objective is for greenhouse gases > >As outlined in the New England Governors and >Eastern Canadian Premiers Climate Change Action >Plan, we want to bring our greenhouse gas >emissions down by 10 per cent from 1990 levels. > >This is a reduction of 35 per cent from our current levels. > >That may seem challenging, but other >jurisdictions, such as the United Kingdom, are >already ahead of us today and setting equally >ambitious reduction targets on top of what >they've already done. British Columbia has set a target of 33 per cent by 2020. > >Here are some other goals: > >Following the lead of California, the province >will adopt emission standards for new motor vehicles by 2010. > >This bill incorporates goals for nitrogen oxides >and sulphur dioxide established in the Green Plan. > >By 2013, a minimum of 18.5 per cent of our >electricity needs will come from renewable sources. > >Our commitment to protecting at least 12 per >cent of Nova Scotiaâ??s land mass will be fulfilled by 2015. > >By 2017, wastewater treatment discharges in Nova >Scotia will have at least primary treatment. > >New, state-of the-art drinking water standards will be in place by 2008. > >We will also address water-resource management, >particulates, septage, and wetlands. > >In all, there are 21 clear goals for which government can be held accountable. > >Itâ??s fair to ask how all this will be >achieved. There will be some more announcements >coming in the short term, but for some of these >objectives, the "how" is still to come. > >We will develop these solutions by tapping into >the ingenuity of all sectors of our community. > >I said earlier that this government believes >that the economy and the environment are >inextricably linked. If you want a healthy >economy, you have to have a healthy environment. > >This bill is unique because it sets out a course >of action that recognizes this relationship. > >Section 5 commits the government to raising our >provinceâ??s economic performance to the >Canadian average or better by 2020. And it says >we will do this under the guidance of a >remarkable document called Opportunities for Sustainable Prosperity. > >Copies are available here today and I recommend it to you. > >If youâ??re wondering whether youâ??re really >hearing something different today, ask yourself >when it was you last saw an environment minister >include a major economic development commitment >in a bill setting tough goals for cleaning up our land, air, and water. > >The responsibility for making it all happen will >fall to the "Green Forum" of nine deputy >ministers. It is co-chaired by the deputy >ministers for Environment and Labour and >Economic Development, and includes the deputies >of Finance and Treasury and Policy Board. > >The economy and the environment must and will >prosper together. As the world responds to the >reality of climate change, the truth of that >statement will become more and more evident. > >The question for Nova Scotia is, how will we >respond? Will we import the solutions we need or >will we continue to develop knowledge and >technology the rest of the world will want? > >Fundamental changes are coming to the way people >live all over the globe. Will we allow ourselves >to be victims of this change, or will we understand that it is an opportunity? > >I fervently believe this province has the >brains, creativity, and determination to turn >this challenge into an opportunity. > >Thanks in large part to the spark provided by >our world-leading solid waste management system, >we already have an environmental industries >sector that employs 5,000 people and is worth $360 million to our economy. > >We will build on that. > >I believe we can make our environment the >cleanest and most sustainable in the world, and >we can have prosperity in the best sense of the word. > >We can have it all. > >Government will provide leadership, commitment, >accountability and transparency. > >Nova Scotians will do the rest. > >Now Iâ??ll be happy to take some questions. > >The Regional Municipality of Niagara Confidentiality Notice >The information contained in this communication >including any attachments may be confidential, >is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) >named above, and may be legally privileged. If >the reader of this message is not the intended >recipient, you are hereby notified that any >dissemination, distribution, disclosure, or >copying of this communication, or any of its >contents, is strictly prohibited. If you have >received this communication in error, please >re-send this communication to the sender and >permanently delete the original and any copy of >it from your computer system. Thank you. > Gary Liss 916-652-7850 Fax: 916-652-0485 www.garyliss.com --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GreenYes" group. To post to this group, send email to GreenYes@no.address To unsubscribe from this group, send email to GreenYes-unsubscribe@no.address For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/GreenYes?hl=en -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~--- |
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