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[GreenYes] RE: History Channel -Electronics Recycling

Any input for this series; especially unsavory/overseas dispositions??

-----Original Message-----
From: Alicia Cattoni [mailto:aliciacattoni.pmf@no.address
<mailto:aliciacattoni.pmf@no.address> ]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 12:13 PM
To: anc1@no.address
Subject: History Channel

Alec Cooley:

Per our conversation, this email is to provide you with information
about Perpetual Motion Films and our researching needs.

I am currently researching an episode for the History Channel titled,
"Electronics." The episode will show what happens to electronics after
their useful life. Where electronics go for sorting and smelting, to
refining and reuse.

Perpetual Motion Films is a television documentary production company
and has produced over 100 hours of quality programming for A&E,
Discovery, TLC and the History Channel. Currently, we are producing a
13-hour Hi-Definition series for the History Channel entitled: "The
Secret Lives of Machines." In this series, we follow the after-life of
some of our greatest achievements in manufacturing, design engineering
and construction.

At this moment we are searching for any companies and people who are
reusing electronics in any innovative and unique ways. Ranging from the
arts to the mainstream, and anything outside of the ordinary.

Please call or email me with any information you may have. I look
forward to speaking with you!

Alicia Cattoni
Associate Producer
Perpetual Motion Films
5701 Lindero Canyon Road,
STE #1-202
Westlake Village, CA 91362
T: 818-575-9922
F: 818-575-9944

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