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[GreenYes] Fw: Volunteers needed for recycling project at National Cherry Blossom Festival: April 1, 2 and 8,9

Sorry for cross-postings....

Please help spread the word!

The National Park Service and the Environmental Protection Agency are
planning to conduct a pilot recycling project at the 2006 National
Cherry Blossom Festival. Each year, thousands of visitors attend the
Festival to celebrate Tokyo's gift of 3,020 cherry trees to Washington
DC in 1912. This recycling pilot project will provide visitors an
opportunity to recycle beverage containers on the week-ends (April 1, 2
and 8,9)during the festival. Volunteers are needed to direct visitors to
recycling collection bins, to help maintain one of three recycling
stations and to
help with litter control.

Recyclers! Please join the National Parks and EPA in this worthy
recycling project by signing up as a volunteer on the National Cherry
Blossom Festival web site at:

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