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Date: Wed Feb 8, 2006 04:20:14 US/Pacific
To: <djaber@no.address>
Subject: Governance of Integrated Product Policy - In Search of
Sustainable Production and Consumption
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Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to announce the publication on February 9th, 2006 of
Edited by Dirk Scheer and Frieder Rubik, Institute for Ecological
Economy Research (IOW), Germany
February 2006 | 377pp | 234 x 156 mm
Hardback: ISBN 1 874719 32 2 | GBP35.00 USD65.00
To place an order for this title at a discount of 10%, or to view 'The
by Dirk Scheer and Frieder Rubik online,
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EUROPEAN POLICY PATTERNS are in a state of transformation. New
governance models are shifting power away from states and toward the
involvement of all stakeholders and the idea of shared responsibility.
It's a move from command and control to push and pull.
What's in this new approach for the environment? This book provides a
detailed analysis of the example of integrated product policy (IPP)
which aims to improve the environmental performance of products and
services through their life-cycle. All products cause environmental
degradation in some way, whether from their manufacturing, use or
disposal. The life-cycle of a product is often long and complicated.
It covers all the areas from the extraction of natural resources,
through their design, manufacture, assembly, marketing, distribution,
sale and use to their eventual disposal as waste. At the same time it
also involves many different actors such as designers, manufacturers,
marketers, retailers and consumers. IPP attempts to systematically
stimulate each phase of this complicated chain to improve its
environmental performance. With the involvement of so many different
products and actors there cannot be one simple policy measure for
everything. Instead, IPP employs a whole variety of tools -- both
voluntary and mandatory -- which are used to achieve identified
objectives. These include economic instruments, the phase-out of
dangerous materials, voluntary agreements, eco-labelling and product
design guidelines.
IPP is still in relative infancy and can be seen as an ongoing process
hugely dependent on effective governance measures to ensure its
continued success. This book presents a plethora of perspectives from
policy-makers, researchers and consultancies, representatives from
business, environmental and consumer associations on how to
effectively conceptualise, institutionalise and implement IPP.
The book is divided into four parts. First, the approach to the
governance of IPP is examined in relation to other approaches to
sustainable production and consumption. Second, the widely differing
approaches to environmental product policy in practice at national,
supranational and global level are analysed. Third, the book explores
the challenge of designing a coherent policy mix to support the
integration of sustainable consumption and production patterns by
sector and theme. Finally, the book concentrates on the key issue of
how to involve stakeholders in IPP in order to encourage continuous
innovations for sustainability throughout the value chain.
' Governance of Integrated Product Policy' aims to fill a clear gap in
work to date on sustainable production and consumption by providing
researchers and practitioners from politics, business and civil
society new insights into modern environmental governance in practice.
* Foreword
Jürgen Trittin, Bundesminister für Umwelt, Naturschutz und
(German Federal Minister of Environmental Protection, Conservation and
Nuclear Safety)
* Introduction. Governance towards sustainability: meeting the
unsustainable production and consumption challenge
Dirk Scheer and Frieder Rubik
Part I. The governance approach of integrated product policy
1. From government to governance: political steering in modern
Renate Mayntz, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Germany
2. Patterns and key issues of environmental governance: what's new?
Andrea Lenschow, University of Osnabrück, Germany
3. Environmental governance and integrated product policy
Dirk Scheer, Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), Germany
Part II. Integrated product policy in practice: varieties of
multi-level governance
4. The European Commission's Communication 'Integrated Product Policy:
Building on Environmental Life-Cycle Thinking'
Klaus Kögler and Robert Goodchild, European Commission, Belgium
5. Promoting sustainable consumption and production at the
international level: taking a life-cycle approach
Guido Sonnemann, Adriana Zacarias and Bas de Leeuw, United Nations
Environment Programme, France
6. Integrated product policy in Sweden
Ylva Reinhard, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
7. Integrated product policy in Denmark: new patterns of environmental
Arne Remmen, Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg
University, Denmark
8. Integrated product policy: the product-related part of the Swiss
government's strategy for sustainable development
Christoph Rentsch, Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and
Landscape (BUWAL)
9. Integrated product policy as a tool in environmental protection:
the Bavarian perspective
Hans-Christian Steinmetzer and Uwe Furnier, Bavarian State Ministry of
the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, Germany
10. The IPP concept: some thoughts and comments
Eckart Meyer-Rutz, Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature
Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany
11. Integrated product policy: practices in Europe
Frieder Rubik, Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), Germany
Part III. Shaping a policy mix: understanding the challenge
12. Integrated product policy and governance: a necessary symbiosis
Robert Nuij, Environmental Resources Management (ERM), Italy
13. Integrated product policy in the paper chain
Ellen Frings, IFOK, Institute for Organisational Communication, Germany
14. Extended producer responsibility policies in the United States and
Canada: history and status
Bill Sheehan, Product Policy Project, USA
Helen Spiegelman, Product Policy Project, Canada
15. Extended producer responsibility as a driver for product chain
Naoko Tojo, Thomas Lindhqvist and Carl Dalhammar, International
Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University,
16. The implementation of integrated product policy in southern Italy:
the role of community structural funds
Ivana Capozza, Orsola Mautone and Maria Angela Sorce, Italian Ministry
of the Environment and Territory, Italy
Part IV. Getting stakeholders involved: product innovation along the
value chain
17. Complexity management with interpretive schemes: the contribution
of integrated chain management to integrated product policy
Uwe Schneidewind, Maria Goldbach and Stefan Seuring, Carl von
Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany
18. Multi-stakeholder approaches to product development
Esther Hoffmann, Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW),
19. The determinants and effects of environmental product innovations
Katharina-Maria Rehfeld, German Chamber of Commerce, China
20. Integrated product policy: an integral part of corporate practice
Claudia Wöhler, Federation of German Industries (BDI), Germany
21. Small and medium-sized enterprises and integrated product policy:
attitudes and barriers
Paolo Masoni and Roberto Buonamici, Italian National Agency for New
Technology, Energy and the Environment (ENEA), Italy
22. Notion marketing and praxis transfer: how to bring IPP into
reality or how to bring reality into IPP
Siegfried Kreibe and Michael Schneider, Bavarian Institute of Applied
Environmental Research and Technology (BIfA), Germany
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by Dirk Scheer and Frieder Rubik online,
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