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As many of you may know, the recycling rate of states with a bottle bill is several times the recycling rate of those states without a bottle bill. Only 20% of our PET recycled overall nationally, but 50- 60% in those states with a bottle bill. Pat Franklin wrote: > I encourage everyone on the listserve to vote in the Plastics News Poll at > http://www.plasticsnews.com/subscriber/headlines.phtml I'm not sure whether > you have to be a subscriber to vote or not, but give it a try. Here are the > poll results as of 5:45 today. > > What would be the best way to collect more plastics for recycling? > > Let the free market work; if there is demand, supply will follow. - > 30.0% > > > More states should set up deposit programs. - 30.0% > > > More cities should offer curbside collection. - 26.3% > > > Expand deposit programs to collect a wider variety of bottles. - > 13.8% > > > > Total Votes: 80 > Poll Date: November 29, 2005 > > **************************************** > Patricia Franklin > Executive Director > NEW ADDRESS AND PHONE FOR CRI AS OF 10/1/05: > Container Recycling Institute > 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 800 > Washington, D.C. 20036-1904 > Tel.(202) 263-0999 Fax: (202) 263-0949 > www.container-recycling.org and www.bottlebill.org |
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