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Above the Arctic Circle, the polar ice cap is receding; in Antarctica, whole ice shelf's are calving; across the mountains of the world, glaciers are disappearing; but here at home is what I notice most. When I first moved to Madison 35 years ago, and for at least 10-15 years after that, the leaves here in the northern latitudes would be all gone by yesterday or today, depending upon when that final rain clipped the last stems. Today, however, the leaves on our native trees are just beginning to turn, and probably won't be gone for another week or perhaps more. Concomitantly, in the spring, the time when the trees are leafed out has moved one week earlier in April. Together the time when our trees are green in Wisconsin has stretched out by nearly 3 weeks. Of course, warmer climes in general does not bode good news, because the localized effects will create many tragic losers, along with possibly a few winners, with the resulting tragedies lapping at everyone's shores, leaving no safe harbors. And therein lies the rub. America is built on screwing the other guy. Behind our gated communities, we focus on life boats, rather than barn raising. To confront the challenges global warming is bringing, on other hand, to make due with less -- which ought to be so simple in that we have so much more than we need -- will vitally depend upon reigniting a profound sense of comity among all of us, because, otherwise, each will demand to be kept held harmless, when that is no longer possible. In the race to be the first to bolt to the door, so many more will be stampeded underfoot. I try to explain to my 8 year old son what is happening to us, and most of all to his emerging generation now playing with their game boys, because ours failed him, though he doesn't understand, yet. But for our willingness to accept as leaders those who are morally bankrupt, enthralled with payoffs from the ethically least amongst us, we are where we now in the pickle we find ourselves. Yet, outrage can, at times, be a salutary influence, and never more than today. Change is possible if we confront what is happening. The leaves still on Madison's trees here in October tell me that it is no longer a problem that can be put off until tomorrow. Peter _________________________ Peter Anderson, President RECYCLEWORLDS CONSULTING 4513 Vernon Blvd. Suite 15 Madison, WI 53705-4964 Ph: (608) 231-1100 Fax: (608) 233-0011 Cell: (608) 698-1314 eMail: anderson@no.address web: www.recycleworlds.net CONFIDENTIAL This message, and all attachments thereto, is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C., Sections 2510-2521. This message is CONFIDENTIAL. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, then any retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Please notify me if you received this message in error at anderson@no.address and then delete it. |
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