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Recycling and waste prevention reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help cities and states meet climate protection goals. Henry Ferland, the USEPA's program coordinator on the effects of recycling programs on global climate change, will be in northern California during the week of September 19-23. His speaking engagements in San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, and Sacramento are listed below. Mr. Ferland's work has documented the often-overlooked energy savings and greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions that recycling provides to our country. These benefits come from the reduction of industrial emissions created by the massive energy and chemical needs of converting raw materials into goods ready for production and from reductions in emissions from landfills and waste-to-energy facilities. His data speaks for itself: EPA has found that recycling aluminum cans instead of landfilling them saves the equivalent of 1650 gallons of gasoline while recycling a ton of soda bottles saves the equivalent of 430 gallons of gas -- recycling paper saves too -- a ton of newspapers recycled should save the equivalent of 135 gallons of gas. Mr. Ferland has even calculated that if all the recycling currently being done in America today were to stop tonight, the equivalent of 11.9 billion gallons of gasoline would be wasted by putting this valuable material into holes in the ground. This is an excellent follow-on to Governor Schwarzenegger's Executive Order in June calling for Californians to make further emissions reductions in the years ahead. Sept 21, noon Oakland - Brown bag lunch for local government staff Offices of ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (436 14th St, Suite 1520, Oakland) RSVP to Ryan Bell at ICLEI, 510-844-0699, ryan.bell@no.address Sept 21, 5 pm Berkeley - Forum at UC Berkeley campus Barrows Hall, Room 170, Berkeley Map: http://www.berkeley.edu/map/maps/DE45.html Sept 22, 9:30 am San Jose - Forum San Jose City Hall Committee Meeting Room C Directions: http://www.sanjoseca.gov/newcityhall/gettingThere.asp Sept 22, 2:00 - 3:00 pm San Francisco - Forum U.S. EPA Region 9, 75 Hawthorne St, San Francisco, Nevada Room RSVP REQUIRED FOR THIS SESSION: Please send e-mail your name and affiliation to Timonie Hood at hood.timonie@no.address, bring an ID, and allow a few extra minutes for security clearance to attend this event. Sept 23, 9:30 am Sacramento - Briefing for Technical Staff at California Integrated Waste Management Board CIWMB, Cal/EPA building, 1101 I St. Ferland's arrangements are being handled by the Northern California Recycling Association and Region 9 of USEPA. Contact Arthur Boone at arboone3@no.address or 510/910-6451 for NCRA or Timonie Hood at EPA/Region 9. These are some of the URLs of documents that Henry Ferland has worked on related to recycling and energy conservation: 1. Warm Model & Recycled Content Tools http://yosemite.epa.gov/OAR/globalwarming.nsf/content/ActionsWasteTools.html 2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Management of Selected Materials in Municipal Solid Waste (Scroll down for links) http://yosemite.epa.gov/OAR/globalwarming.nsf/content/ActionsWasteToolsSWMGH Greport.html#Report%20Sections 3. Climate Change and Waste: Reducing Waste Can Make a Difference http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/muncpl/ghg/folder.htm |
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