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[greenyes] No, This Is Not a Joke


Honk If You Love Your SUV

Pricey bumper stickers give the owners of gas-guzzlers licence to drive,
while still being friendly to the environment
Saturday, April 9, 2005 Page A15

WASHINGTON -- The United States may have withdrawn from the Kyoto Protocol,
but a Pennsylvania company says Americans can still fight carbon dioxide
emissions without leaving home -- by paying as much as $80 for a bumper
Benven LLC, run by a team of University of Pennsylvania graduate students,
boasts that its bumper stickers take the equivalent of 350 cars off the road
for a year. Its product, the TerraPass, allows drivers to counteract their
gas-guzzling cars' emissions by paying for clean-energy projects. In
exchange, vehicle owners get a clean conscience and a one-year pass for
their bumper that identifies the vehicle as pollution-free.
"If you think of the rest of Americans, they want to be nice to the
environment. But they want a vehicle to get around in," said Tom Arnold, the
company's chief operating officer. "With TerraPass, you can keep driving the
car and still be responsible."
The passes sell for $30 to $80, depending on how much gas the vehicle uses.
For instance, it would take $80 to offset a Hummer's annual emissions, Mr.
Arnold said.
TerraPass pools the sales and funds clean-energy projects, such as windmills
in California and cow-manure digesters to control methane emissions. The
Philadelphia-based company said that to date, it has "erased" 1.8 million
kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions.
TerraPass also buys credits on the Chicago Climate Exchange, a market for
trading greenhouse-gas-emissions credits. TerraPass buys and retires them,
helping to cover the costs of energy projects.
About 450,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide credits have been purchased so
far -- nearly $1,200 worth, the company said. Mr. Arnold said the company
has spent more than $7,000 on emission-reduction projects in total.

Peter Anderson, President
4513 Vernon Blvd. Suite 15
Madison, WI 53705-4964
Ph: (608) 231-1100
Fax: (608) 233-0011
Cell: (608) 698-1314
eMail: anderson@no.address

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