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Re: [greenyes] Sen Jeffords' Statement Announcing Decision Not to Seek Reelection in 2006

On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 15:13:53 -0400, you wrote:

>Subject: Jeffords' Statement Announcing Decision Not to Seek Reelection
>in 2006

Heh. Back in '01 when Jeffords was being wooed by Daschle he called
on President Bush and laid out a series of demands to meet if Bush
wanted him to stay in the Republican Caucus. Bush reportedly thanked
him for his inputs and told him he didn't make deals like that.
Jeffords stormed out of the White House bellowing, "YOU'RE GOING TO BE

After the 2002 elections Jeffords sent feelers out to the GOP, seeing
if they would let him keep his committee chairmanship if he returned
to the GOP. That went over well, as you can imagine.

He might have won re-election but chances are he'd still be in the
minority, it would be a bloody, bruising, expensive campaign, his
health isn't so good and his wife is fighting cancer. Age 70 is a
really good time to bow out of the Game of Empire, especially when you
hold a weak hand.
Paleontologists recently announced they have
discovered when Man first discovered language:
Just after he invented the hammer and nail.

And it was BAD language.

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