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Apologies for Cross-Postings REGISTER NOW for The Second National Zero Waste Action Conference New York City - May 23-25, 2005 ?Building Zero Waste Communities: Tools to Take Home? FOR MORE INFO OR TO REGISTER ONLINE, GO TO <file:///C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\marti.BOULDER\Local%20Settings\marti.BOULDER\Local%20Settings\Temporary%20Internet%20Files\OLK322\www.grrn.org>www.grrn.org. Two great minds of the 21st Century are on the Zero Waste bandwagon ?are you? Come hear and meet with Peter Montague, Co-Director of the Environmental Research Foundation and Editor of RACHEL?s Environmental and Health News, on Zero Waste and the Precautionary Principle, and David Morris, Vice President of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and Director of the New Rules Project, on changing the rules of the marketplace to create a Zero Waste society. You will not want to miss this two-and-a-half day gathering with some of the leading advocates and technical experts in the industry who will provide you with the tools and processes to choose, plan and implement Zero Waste in your community! What is ?Zero Waste in Action?? Come learn about Resource Recovery Parks, Extended Producer Responsibility initiatives, Design for the Environment campaigns, and Job Creation programs. Join your progressive peers working in New York, the U.S. and Canada to discuss challenges and different program approaches. Strategize your own Zero Waste plan for your region by building off other community?s ongoing planning processes. What are the Tools to Take Home? We want to help you get your community moving toward Zero Waste, so some of the useful take-aways from this conference will include a framework for introducing Zero Waste to your community?s legislators and stakeholders, sample policies and legislation, resources and references for building infrastructure, community planning handbooks, promotional campaign artwork and other how-to?s. Planning for Zero Waste? Bring a delegation from your community! To start organizing your community around Zero Waste, we encourage you to bring a delegation with you. We suggest at least 2 or 3 of the following individuals: elected officials, top city management, solid waste program managers, business leaders, and members of community organizations. Conference Agenda: Monday, May 23rd Registration and Continental Breakfast Keynote Sessions: Peter Montague, Co-Director of the Environmental Research Foundation and Editor of RACHEL?s Environmental and Health News ?Zero Waste and the Precautionary Principle: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? David Morris, Vice President of the Institute for Local Self Reliance and Director of the New Rules Project ?Changing the Rules? Panel and Interactive Sessions: * Panel 1: ?Upstream and Downstream ? the Zero Waste System? Producer Responsibility, Design for the Environment and Clean Production Building Infrastructure: Resource Recovery Parks * Town Hall Meetings: Small group meetings with David Morris and Peter Montague!! Lunch provided ?Open Space? Break-out Sessions: A chance to network with your peers and discuss with experts the challenges you are experiencing in your specific community. * Panel 2: ?Jobs, Jobs, Jobs? Reception 5-9 p.m.: Music by DJ Chrome, the Soundz of Justice and Recycled Funk (<http://www.djobah.com/>www.djobah.com). Tuesday, May 24th Continental Breakfast Group Work Sessions with national experts focusing on how government and community organizers can work both separately and together toward Zero Waste: * ?Framing the Zero Waste Debate? ? Annie Leonard, Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives (GAIA) * Panel 1: ?Choosing Zero Waste for your Community? * Panel 2: ?Planning for Zero Waste? Lunch provided * Panel 3: ?Implementing Zero Waste? * Roundtable Discussion: ?Elements for Success? ? Experts from the previous panels will combine their expertise and experience in planning for a Zero Waste Community in all sectors. Evening Tours 5-8 p.m. Choose one of two options: Reuse ? Materials for the Arts and Build it Green; OR Toxics ? Green Worker Cooperatives & Sustainable South Bronx. Wine and snacks served after tours. Wednesday, May 25th Morning Tours 9 a.m.-noon Choose one of two options: Organics ? Lower Eastside Ecology Center & Riker?s Island NYC Corrections Facility; OR Recycling ? Hugo Neu and Visy Paper Plant. TO REGISTER or for more information, visit <http://www.grrn.org/>www.grrn.org. GrassRoots Recycling Network (GRRN) is a North American network of recycling professionals and waste reduction activists pushing public policy and corporate practice beyond recycling. Gary Liss Gary Liss & Associates 4395 Gold Trail Way Loomis, CA 95650-8929 916-652-7850 Fax: 916-652-0485 gary@no.address www.garyliss.com |
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