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[greenyes] Landfills Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Subject: [greenyes] Landfills Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- From: "Peter Anderson" <anderson@no.address>
- Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 10:43:26 -0600
Patty asks: "Do landfills contribute CO2 and methane in somewhat similar
amounts, or is methane the major gas coming from landfills?"
The answer is yes. The bulk of landfill gases are methane and carbon
dioxide, averaging about 47.5% and 47%, respectively. The other 5.5% is, by
volume, mostly nitrogen, 68.5%, and also includes oxygen, 14.8%,
hydrocarbons, 5.6%, hydrogen, 1.9%, and trace constituents (hydrogen
sulfide, sulfur dioxide, benzene, toluene, vinyl chloride, methylene
chloride, perchlorethylene, trichlorethylene and carbonyl sulfide), 9.3%.
Source: Robinson, The Solid Waste Handbook, at p. 314 Table 11.16.
Three things to draw from this.
First, although there are large volumes of CO2, as well as the methane, even
though CO2 is a greenhouse gas, its emission from a landfill does not add to
global warming on a net basis, as contrasted with methane, which otherwise,
were it not for our practice of burying organics in oxygen starved
conditions in the ground, would not exist. Therefore, only the methane part
of landfill gases is a net addition to climate change.
Second, I indicated that these percentage values are averages only, and that
the precise number will vary by landfill and over time. There is a very
important point that arises from that fact. Energy recovery of the methane
in landfill gases is put forward as a very good thing, because it displaces
energy production, with all its emissions elsewhere in power plants and
boilers, much of which burns dirty coal.
However, those same energy recovery systems require high Btu content in the
gas, most comfortably when the gas is especially methane rich over 48%. To
maximize the efficiency of the energy recovery systems the landfill
operators will typically manage the site in a way that, in the process of
increasing the methane fraction, lessens the efficiency of gas collection.
This happens because the extracted gas is about half moisture (with 100%
saturation, at 40 C (104 F), the condensate is 51% by weight of the weight
of the gas), and, since lots of water is a necessary ingredient to produce
methane, the waste load is dried out to the point where methane production
declines below the level needed to generate power. In order to avoid this,
in those landfills managed for energy (instead of exclusively to minimize
gas releases), the operator will ramp back gas collection in dried out
fields until moisture levels recover sufficient for strong methanogenisis.
Interestingly, the regulatory agencies remain steadfast in their refusal to
determine how significant a loss in methane recovery this practice causes,
and also will not even organize data collection so that others can use
statistical techniques to infer how substantial the problem is.
Instead, they entire engines of government remains committed to the "good
news" story about energy recovery from landfills for political reasons,
completely impervious to technical considerations. (At the same time,
landfills managed for energy production may take greater care in properly
installing covers and piping, and it is the net of these two offsetting
forces that is the relevant measure of concern.)
Third, those trace compounds included in landfill gases (e.g. benzene and
toluene) may be very small in volume (<0.5%), but they are extremely toxic
and are suspected of being associated with causing injury to the surrounding
population, such as quadrupling of leukemia rates in pregnant mothers.
Source: State of New York Department of Health, Investigation of Cancer
Incidence and Residence Near 38 Landfills With Soil Gas Migration
Conditions, New York State, 1980-1989 (1998). Unfortunately, to run
statistically significant epidemological studies requires major funding, and
EPA has shown no interest in resolving the many studies that raise concerns.
(The problem is that, without major funding, associations between exposure
and incidence are tracked by using zip codes or other gross indices of
proximity to a landfill, even though these gross measures include
substantial numbers of people not in any exposure trajectory, and that
washes out detecting impacts.)
Peter Anderson, President
4513 Vernon Blvd. Suite 15
Madison, WI 53705-4964
Ph: (608) 231-1100
Fax: (608) 233-0011
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eMail: anderson@no.address
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