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[greenyes] Sierra Club recycling link to Earth 911
Hi CRRA and GRRNers:

Sierra Club national sends out a weekly enewsletter. Today's enews talks
about finding recycling information by zip code. When I followed the
link, it brought me to Earth 911. Here is the link.

Since I am now off the CRRA Board I have been putting more time into my
local Sierra Club chapter, Loma Prieta's conservation committee as the
Recycling, soon to be Zero Waste Chair. I will be pushing National
Sierra Club's Solid Waste Committee to adopt Zero Waste.

How does this fit with this Zoomer link, sorry to say I am not sure. I
know some CRRA members are not too pleased with Earth911. And I am a bit
concerned that the Sierra Club took a short cut on educating our members
and visitors to the website by referring people to Earth911 while
providing no Sierra Club overview before it happens. But that is another
battle and will take quite some time to resolve.

At any rate, those of you who work on publice education may want to take
a visit to the website and the regular Sierra Club website and then
direct comments to Sierra Club National. or


Ann Schneider

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