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[greenyes] Fwd: [ZeroWasteCommunities] Recycling clip art
Apologies for Cross-Postings

Please reply to Tim Hicks <zerowaste@no.address> and cc: me if you can help.


Gary Liss

To: "'ZWGR \(zerowastegr@no.address\)'" <zerowastegr@no.address>,
"' ZW Communities'" <ZeroWasteCommunities@no.address>
From: Tim Hicks <zerowaste@no.address>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 08:06:19 -0800
Subject: [ZeroWasteCommunities] Recycling clip art
Reply-To: ZeroWasteCommunities@no.address

I am currently preparing for Nelson's first curbside recycling program (blue-box). I need recycling materials graphics for our recycling menu brochures. Do you know of sources for recycling materials clip art, other than that available through Microsoft and the California ZW website?

Tim D. Hicks
Zero Waste Coordinator
City of Nelson in partnership with RDCK

phone: (250) 352-8272
email: <mailto:zerowaste@no.address>zerowaste@no.address

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
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