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[greenyes] Brands in the gutter

RE: Brands in the gutter

Actually, I remember seeing a full page "BUDWEISER" ad in a
was a big bottle of bud lying in a shallow streambed that was otherwise
"pristine" and the caption read something like this....."We wouldn't be
caught dead in some places." Trashed cans and bottles, branded with the
company name, are very definitely free advertisements that brand owners
would rather do without. But as we all know, "bottles and cans don't
litter, people litter."

-----Original Message-----
From: Wolbert, Brad [mailto:Brad.Wolbert@no.address]
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 12:14 PM
To: Anne Peters; Debra Lombard; Pat Franklin
Cc: greenyes@no.address
Subject: RE: [greenyes] RE: [jtrnet] Starbucks

This is something I've often wondered about in the past. Is there any
evidence to suggest that the beverage producers consider littered branded
containers to be free advertising and that this figures into their
opposition to effective container recovery systems like deposit laws?

On the one hand, their brands are in the gutter; on the other hand, they are
millions of little reminders, visible everywhere.

Brad Wolbert

-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Peters [mailto:annep@no.address]
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 10:11 AM
To: Debra Lombard
Cc: Pat Franklin; greenyes@no.address
Subject: Re: [greenyes] RE: [jtrnet] Starbucks

Going back on this tremendously interesting thread, I just want to add a
point here - Starbucks would naturally prefer you take out the cup with
their logo on it because you are effectively carrying around free
advertising for them. They've positioned themselves as the friendly,
premium brand, and every place there is a Starbucks logo they are
conveying that message and all the brand attributes. Don't underestimate
the power of this free advertising users do for them. Branding is a
huge part of consumer marketing and a force in the marketplace;
environmentalists understanding and leveraging this can go further with
our brand and its attributes. I haven't seen one of these new cups yet
but why don't we pressure Starbucks to put the recycle logo on the new
cup, and maybe even some of the poetry printed on the cup could
reference it?

On logos - if you've ever been to Hershey PA you know that's a branded
company town. When Milton Hershey was alive he insisted on the town
being (and it still is) utterly clean. He would pick up trash on the
streets himself. However, when he found a Hershey wrapper on the ground,
he would uncrumple it, smooth it out, and lay it back down on the
ground, logo side up.

Starbucks is doing this by putting their companies everywhere - in
grocery stores, Targets, etc. I gotta go, I think they're opening a
Starbucks in my basement.

Gracestone, Inc.
303.494.4934 vox
303.494.4880 fax

Debra Lombard wrote:

>Hi Pat,
>How do you know they give a dime? I have never seen anything saying that
>That should be posted very clealy right at the register. And I agree with
>you a quarter would get a lot of people bringing their own. I know what
>Starbucks would say though........
>Oh we couldn't ensure that the Starbucks quality would be consistent if
>peopel bring in there own cup...what I would say is that Starbucks then
>should decide to only use clean cups, from customers, and that shoudl be
>Debra Lombard
>LEEDtm Accredited Professional
>Lighting & Sustainable Design
>The RETEC Group
>900 Chapel St., 2nd Fl - Box 9
>New Haven, CT 06510
>Tel: 203-776-2358 x 237
>Fax: 203-773-3657

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