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I am new to this loop, so hello to everyone. I work for a company that uses post-use glass in terrazzo flooring. In addition to our product, there are a lot of uses for ?contaminated? (mixed color) glass, including ?glassphault?, filtration systems, backfill and storm water drainage systems, sandblasting abrasive, fiberglass insulation, reflective paint, marbles and costume jewelry. Glass performs better than sand, gravel, marble, etc. in many of these uses because it is smooth and angular, and doesn?t produce harmful silica dust. We are really working to communicate with municipalities that are considering suspending their glass recycling programs. The alternative uses are out there; it?s a matter of building markets or matching municipalities with markets. We are also encouraged to hear that New York found that their suspension of glass recycling did not produce the savings anticipated, and that they have restarted glass recycling. Our position is that anything that can be diverted from the landfill should be; just because it's not a big percentage doesn't mean we should disregard it. 12-14 million tons of glass waste a year is nothing to sneeze at. -Patty Patty Bates-Ballard Public Relations Director EnviroGLAS Products, Inc. 214-373-1787 www.enviroglasproducts.com "Treat the Earth well. It was not given to us by our parents; it was loaned to us by our children." -Ecologist Lee Talbot on 11/3/04 11:34 AM, Alan Muller at amuller@no.address wrote: A group working on a curbside program for Delaware has proposed a two stream system in which residents would separate their wastes into recyclables, and non-recyclables to be landfilled. Part of the proposal is to have the users put the glass into the non-recyclables. Several reasons (or excuses) are offered for this, including: (1) broken glass will contaminate the paper stream and reduce prices gotten for it; (2) recycling glass isn't profitable unless it's separated by color; (3) the tonnage is relatively small and decreasing (as plastic containers take over) and glass is OK to landfill as a stable material. I would much appreciate some comment on this. Regards, Alan Muller Alan Muller, Executive Director Green Delaware Box 69 Port Penn, DE 19731 USA (302)834-3466 fax (302)836-3005 greendel@no.address www.greendel.org -Patty Patty Bates-Ballard Writer/Inclusion Advocate 214-373-1787 www.korysmom.com "No person is your friend who demands your silence or denies your right to grow." -Alice Walker |
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