Interesting insight into Zero Waste and Pollution Prevention. I encourage
all to contact your local Pollution Prevention offices and invite their
participation in your Zero Waste initiatives!
From: "Thomas Vinson-Peng" <tvinson@no.address>
Subject: RE: Southwest Network for Zero Waste
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 17:39:31 -0500
YES, I agree, it is a natural fit. As a first step...I have started asking
people with Zero Waste Websites to exchange links. If you know anyone who
is interested please put us in touch. Ultimately, we need to find ways to
partner on a specific project, and encourage joint workgroups with the
P2/zero waste community.
"How did you come to be called the Southwest Network for Zero Waste? Is
that a new name?"
Short Answer: Yes, my center is about 8 months old. We just had approval
on a three year workplan which should secure our funding through 2008. We
work with eight regional centers; each has it's area of expertise, and we
share our knowledge through internet and "sneakernet".
Long Answer: I worked in the Texas P2 program, and partnered with the
Southwest P2Rx center on a number of projects. When staff from the
southwest center moved on, I decided to put in for a grant to run the
regional center. I considered keeping the old name "the Southwest P2
Center", but after M A N Y discussions with close to three dozen people in
the region we decided to start a new center, and to name it the Zero Waste
Network. The most active participants were state P2 programs through the
region 6 p2 roundtable. POTW's are also stepping into the game now. When I
say "we" I am referring to about two dozen professionals that work with the
Network on various projects, and give me guidance on regional initiatives.
We have had many discussions about the meaning of Zero Waste in this region
since then. We are all big Cradle to Cradle, ZERI, how-big-is-my-footprint
fans, and believe that Zero Waste is the ultimate goal of a P2 program.
I think we are on the same page about how to promote zero waste, and make it
a reality. We are incorporating Zero into our P2 workshops, materials and
other venues. I think it is a hard concept to sell to someone, and P2 is a
stepping stone...first let's be less wasteful, then show them that zero
waste is possible. It is without a doubt where I and my partners want the
center focused. We aren't there yet.
The people we reach out to are very pragmatic. They want solid industrial
examples, mostly for manufacturing. So far, the case studies I have seen
are quite abstract, and the benefits are a little more to the "right thing
to do". The people I speak to are more concerned with having a job in 6
months than saving the earth. P2 programs have a lot of save money/save the
planet case studies (there are over 400 on my website). But when we start
talking zero waste it is more to the agricultural side.
However, I am optimistic that we can bridge that gap. Less than 10 years
ago I used to get blank stares when I said "Source Reduction"...most of my
customers would say "yeah, we recycle" over 50% of them think of
source reduction as a core business function. So, when I get blank stares
on the term "zero waste" I know we are on the right track.
Thomas Vinson-Peng
Southwest Network for Zero Waste
University of Texas
10100 Burnet Rd. CEER-R 7100
Austin, TX 78758
Phone: 512/232-7149
Fax: 512/471-1720
tvinson@no.address <mailto:tvinson@no.address>
<> The Southwest Network for Zero Waste
<> is a proud member of the National
Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Liss [mailto:gary@no.address]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 3:53 PM
To: Thomas Vinson-Peng
Cc: RicAnthony@no.address; Eric Lombardi; Robert Haspel; Lynda Taylor,
Sustainable Communities, New Mexico; Lynda Taylor, Sustainable
Communities, New Mexico
Subject: Southwest Network for Zero Waste
I just reviewed your website. How did you come to be called the Southwest
Network for Zero Waste? Is that a new name?
I noticed that you are connected to the Pollution Prevention networks
around the country. I've been promoting the idea that those working in P2
are some of our best allies in promoting Zero Waste. After all, you've
been promoting most of the Zero Waste concepts with individual businesses
for over a decade.
At 02:29 PM 10/19/2004, you wrote:
>I am sending this to a lot of people, some of you are not even in the
>environmental field. As you all know, my center is trying to encourage
>people to move towards zero waste.
>1. What does the term "Zero Waste" mean when you hear it? Just tell me
>what comes to your mind when you hear that term.
>2. The two options below are being considered as official definitions by
>Zero Waste International Alliance. Which one do your think describes Zero
>Waste? Why?
>Option A
>"Zero Waste is a goal that will guide people to re-design our resource-use
>system to emulate natural cyclical processes where no waste exists. Every
>stage of any resource-use process must be so designed as to ensure that
>nothing is generated as an output, deliberately or otherwise, that does not
>become a useful input into another process. Any output that is destined for
>land, sea or air should not be a threat to planetary, animal or plant
>Option B
>"Zero Waste is a philosophy and visionary goal that emulates natural
>cycles, where all outputs are simply an input for another process. It
>means designing and managing materials and products to conserve and recover
>all resources and not destroy or bury them, and eliminate discharges to
>land, water or air that do not contribute productively to natural systems
>or the economy."
>Thomas Vinson-Peng
>Southwest Network for Zero Waste
>University of Texas
>10100 Burnet Rd. CEER-R 7100
>Austin, TX 78758
>Phone: 512/232-7149
>Fax: 512/471-1720
>tvinson@no.address <mailto:tvinson@no.address>
> <> The Southwest Network for Zero
><> is a proud member of the National
>Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-p2tech@no.address
>[mailto:owner-p2tech@no.address]On Behalf Of Schnitzer Hans,
>Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn., Ao.Univ.-Prof.
>Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 9:10 PM
>To: Gary Liss
>Cc: crra_members@no.address; JTRNET@no.address;
>greenyes@no.address; list-users@no.address; ROC@no.address;
>recyc-l@no.address; future-500@no.address;
>rworks@no.address; WRPPN listserve; P2TECH Listserv;
>no-new-incinerators@no.address; jdickinson@no.address;
>Gerard Gillespie; ""Jayan Chelaton""; thanal@no.address;
>Warren Snow; Manny Calonzo; mendozas@no.address; muna@no.address;
>gtimage@no.address; George Cheng 2, Taiwan Watch;
>RicAnthony@no.address; Eric Lombardi; mwilson@no.address; Mal Williams
>Subject: Re: [ZWIA] Draft ZWIA Zero Waste definition
>Dear all!
>We would like you to inform you about a special issue of the Journal on
>Production about Zero Waste. Although the first deadline is over, we would
>welcome excellent contributions!
>Hans Schnitzer
>Zitat von Gary Liss <gary@no.address>:
> > Apologies for Cross-Postings
> >
> > The Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA) has been having a great
> > discussion on its listserve to develop a definition of "Zero Waste" to
> > on ZWIA's website.
> >
> > We would like to engage all of you who would like to contribute to that
> > discussion. The following are 2 definitions that have been proposed.
> > would like your input on which of these definitions should be adopted,
> > suggestions for additional edits, or alternate definitions.
> >
> > If you would like to edit one of these, please provide suggestions of
> > specific word changes you would like to make, with BRIEF comments about
> > why. The intent is to develop a definition that is easily
> > by people NOT deeply involved in Sustainability and Recycling, so should
> > minimize the use of technical jargon.
> >
> > Please send comments directly to me at gary@no.address and post them
> > this listserve.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Gary Liss
> > Coordinator
> > Zero Waste International Alliance
> > *************************
> > Option A
> > "Zero Waste is a goal that will guide people to re-design our
> > system to emulate natural cyclical processes where no waste exists.
> > stage of any resource-use process must be so designed as to ensure that
> > nothing is generated as an output, deliberately or otherwise, that does
> > become a useful input into another process. Any output that is destined
> > land, sea or air should not be a threat to planetary, animal or plant
> > health."
> > Option B
> > "Zero Waste is a philosophy and visionary goal that emulates natural
> > cycles, where all outputs are simply an input for another process. It
> > means designing and managing materials and products to conserve and
> > all resources and not destroy or bury them, and eliminate discharges to
> > land, water or air that do not contribute productively to natural
> > or the economy."
> >
> > Gary Liss
> > Gary Liss & Associates
> > 4395 Gold Trail Way
> > Loomis, CA 95650-8929
> > 916-652-7850
> > Fax: 916-652-0485
> > gary@no.address
> >
> >
>Prof. Dr. Hans Schnitzer
>Institut für Ressourcenschonende und Nachhaltige Systeme
>Technische Universität Graz
>A-8010 Graz, Inffeldgasse 25
Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485